Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 08, 2013 16:02

Dear Yuletide Author:

First of all, thank you for taking on one of my requests. I am very much looking forward to whatever you and your muse come up with, and I appreciate the time I know you will put into thinking about and writing my story.

I will give just a few notes here which will hopefully help (and not hinder) you as you’re working on your assignment.

General bits: I am a fan of both angst and hurt/comfort. I tend to love fic that is dark, but I have also enjoyed fluff in the past-and all things in between are fine, too. I am a stickler for good grammar and spelling, and I prefer the characters in a story to sound like the characters in the source they come from. I have absolutely no problem with any of the main genres: gen, het, or slash--whatever the story calls for is fine by me. Smut is not necessary at all, but if it happens to fit in with the plot you come up with, smut is definitely okay. (Though it may be worth noting that I prefer my smut pretty vanilla.) I am not a huge fan of AUs, so if you are able to stick to canon, that would be awesome.

My original prompts, followed by more specific comments:

Days of Our Lives

I love Will and Sonny beyond all reason. I love how they support each other and care so deeply about each other. I would love just about anything featuring these two. Anything that fills in gaps would be great, future fic with Arianna would be great--as long as Will and Sonny are the focus, I'll love it. I am a big fan of hurt/comfort (I would prefer Will to be the hurt and Sonny the comfort, but the other way around would also be interesting) and angst (and Will seems to attract angst), so anything involving those would be more than welcome and would make for a happy holiday for me.

I love everything about Will and Sonny and would just love to be able to read more fic about them. I was not thrilled about the whole baby storyline when it started, but now that it's here, I do love the boys with Arianna, so anything covering that aspect of things would be cool, either setting a story currently or in the future. I am generally a big fan of staying close to canon, so as much as you are able to do that would be super. That said, I did not include Arianna as a character for a reason--if you don't want to include her, no need. It can be WilSon and only WilSon, if that's where your muse takes you. Just have fun, and I will have fun reading it.


I read all three Delirium books over the summer and was completely intrigued by Bram and Hunter. I would love to read more about them. How did they meet? How did they become a couple? What happened to them after the end of Requiem? There's so little in the text, and I wanted so much more. Something about these two would be a wonderful holiday gift.

Not much I can add to this one. I just want to know more about these characters.


This was my favorite show of 2009, bar none. I am a huge fan of the Jack/Joseph pairing, so anything involving them would be awesome (either pre-Pilgrimage or fix-it). If Jack/Joseph does not float your boat (in the way that Jack/David does not float mine), I would be thrilled with a Jack character piece. He was my favorite character and I'd love to see him explored further (either pre-show, missing scene, or what might have happened if the show had been picked up for another season).

I spent the entirety of the summer of 2009 completely and utterly obsessed with this show. In particular, I was crazy about the Jack/Joseph relationship (even after they bumped Joseph off). I would love fic which deals with any aspect of the Jack/Joseph relationship. Like I said in my prompt, if Jack/Joseph wasn't your thing, I would be thrilled with any kind of Jack character study. I found him an incredibly fascinating character and I don't think we learned nearly enough about him. I am fine with Jack and David friendship, but would prefer no Jack/David slash. I just didn't see it there.


One of my (relatively) new favorite things!! My best friend sat me down and "forced" me to watch this show, and by episode 6 I was hooked. During several subsequent weekends, we finished the whole thing off. By the end, I was totally in love with Agron and Nasir. I would love fic that either fills in some of the gaps (just how did they end up falling for each other? how was their reunion after Nasir thought Agron was dead?) or speculates about what happened to them after the end of the final episode of the series. Just no AUs, please. Whatever fits within canon and strikes you as interesting to write about with these characters will undoubtedly work for me.

Not a lot I can add here. I'd just love me some Agron/Nasir for the holidays.

Political Animals

This show was my favorite thing about the summer of 2012, and T.J. was my favorite character. I would love any story which centers on him. Past, present, future, anything's fine. I am especially curious about his coming out story. Just how did that go? I also particularly loved his relationship with Douglas, so pulling that in would be wonderful (just no twincest, please). The angstier you are able to make things for T.J., the happier I will be.

I am not sure I can say much more about this. I adored T.J. (who felt like Jack from Kings all reincarnated just for me). There's not a lot of fic for this show, so I would love just about anything so long as it's T.J.-centric.

Best Song Ever One Direction (Music Video)

OK, 1D is my very favorite thing right now. And this video.... This video is the best thing I've seen this year. My request is very simple: More Marcel, please. Feel free to throw in whosoever else you desire, either from the other characters (Jonny, Leeroy, Veronica, Harvey) or the band. As long as Marcel's in the center, I'll be overjoyed.

Not much more I can add to that except that I didn't notice that this was an approved fandom until my BFF told me. I could not change my sign-up fast enough. Marcel is my favorite thing about the video, so I'd love to know more, more, more. (FYI: Harry is my favorite in the band, but nothing slashy between him and Marcel, please.)

Thank you, once again, for being willing to write fic for one of my requests. I will anxiously await finding out which you chose to write and reading the fruits of your labor.

Happy writing!!

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