Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 09, 2016 18:58

Dear Yuletide Author:

First of all, thank you for taking on one of my requests. I am very much looking forward to whatever you and your muse come up with, and I appreciate the time I know you will put into thinking about and writing my story.

I will give just a few notes here which will hopefully help (and not hinder) you as you’re working on your assignment.

General bits: I am a fan of both angst and hurt/comfort. I tend to love fic that is dark, but I have also enjoyed fluff in the past-and all things in between are fine, too. I am a stickler for good grammar and spelling, and I prefer the characters in a story to sound like the characters in the source they come from. I have absolutely no problem with any of the main genres: gen, het, or slash--whatever the story calls for is fine by me. Smut is not necessary at all, but if it happens to fit in with the plot you come up with, smut is definitely okay. (Though it may be worth noting that I prefer my smut pretty vanilla.) I am not a huge fan of AUs, so if you are able to stick to canon, that would be awesome.

My original prompts, followed by more specific comments:


This is, most definitively, my favorite movie of all time. I received a wonderful story featuring this movie in a Yuletide several years ago, and I decided to be greedy and ask for more! First of all, please feel free not just to use John and Frank, but any of the other characters in the movie (Julia, Satch, Gordo, Sam). I will love just about anything as long as it's about this wonderful movie. Second, I thought I would share my favorite moment in the movie (so you have some context about what I love about it): That moment is when John talks to his mother on the ham radio, and it's after he lost her as a small boy, so he both remembers her as a grown man and as a little boy who lost his mom. Heartbreaking! The angst in this movie is what gets me every time I watch it. Whatever you can think of for this--missing scene, coda, prequel--will make me extremely happy. Go to town!

I kind of tried to say it all right there. I have only ever read a very few stories for this movie--the fabulous one written for me several years ago and a couple short others which have been posted since. I would love to have more. John is my favorite character in the movie, and anything dealing with him would be great. I don't want to force any one kind of idea upon you, but whatever more you wanted from the movie, I probably did, too.


This was my favorite show of 2009, bar none. I am a huge fan of the Jack/Joseph pairing, so anything involving them would be awesome (either pre-Pilgrimage or fix-it), though I know Joseph was not nominated as a character here. If Jack/Joseph does not float your boat (in the way that Jack/David does not float mine), I would be thrilled with a Jack character piece. He was my favorite character, and I'd love to see him explored further (either pre-show, missing scene, or what might have happened if the show had been picked up for another season). Though I didn't include her as a character, I was fascinated by Jack's relationship with Michelle. Her being older and the heir and how Jack saw himself in light of this fact is something I'd love to see explored, if you're trying to think of another plot option. In the end, as long as the story is Jack-centric, I will be a happy camper.

I spent the entirety of the summer of 2009 completely and utterly obsessed with this show. In particular, I was crazy about the Jack/Joseph relationship (even after they bumped Joseph off). I would love fic which deals with any aspect of the Jack/Joseph relationship. Like I said in my prompt, if Jack/Joseph wasn't your thing, I would be thrilled with any kind of Jack character study. I found him an incredibly fascinating character and I don't think we learned nearly enough about him. I am fine with Jack and David friendship, but would prefer no Jack/David slash. I just didn't see it there.


I was completely and totally obsessed with this book last year, and I would love to see the themes and events of the book explored further in fic. I would be happy with just about anything you chose to write. Post-abduction but pre-Jack (what was it like there all alone or at the beginning?--in this case it is obviously ok to leave Jack out), Jack as a baby/toddler (how did she manage to child rear with no resources?), post-escape (perhaps Ma getting a job or Jack beginning school). I would just love any story which added to what happened in the book. No pressure, by the way, to write from Jack's POV. Though I found that so very interesting to read, I know that that's a true challenge. Feel free, by the way, to use any other characters from the book that will help you tell your tale. I will appreciate anything you do that expands on this universe.

Not a lot I can add here. This book was a true obsession for me (I read it 3 times in the space of a month once I discovered it), so anything that delves more into this universe would make me wildly happy.

Thank you, once again, for being willing to write fic for one of my requests. I will anxiously await finding out which you chose to write and reading the fruits of your labor.

Happy writing!!



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