Title: National Anthem
Pairing: Ramón "Cachila" Arias/ Thiago Cardozo
Fandom: CA Peñarol
Rating: PG
Summary: ---Pop Idol AU---- Thiago Cardozo will perform for the first time in Centenario Stadium the Uruguayan National Anthem.
A young man drove Uruguayan girls really mad. They scream loud for the one of the recent pop idols Uruguay have made. His name: Thiago. So simple as that.
He got famous once on social media, because he performed once belly dance in front of the camera. Many people bullied him, but girls literally fainted because of his skills.
Thiago is famous because of his long high tones during glissandos and in ad-libs. His first hit was "(De Vergüenza) Me quiero Matar", and in the video performs a belly dance sequence. His influences come from murga, candombe, pop, cumbia villera... his mixture is really unexpected for a teen pop star.
It would be the first time he would perform the Uruguayan National Anthem in Centenario Stadium in a friendly match before Russia 2018.
Ramón Arias, well known as Cachila is member of his entourage staff. He is the sound mixer. He is on charge of the microphones, the mixer console, the boxes.
"I'm so afraid... hijo de puta. The equipment, the mic, my box... is everything okay?"
"Of course, Thiago. There is no problem in that. I checked all of this"
"And the mixing? The mixing must be okay. And be sure that the volume is not too high, so I can hit a higher note without screwing up my ears"
"Why you are so worried about higher notes? Is our National Anthem you will perform, Thiago!"
"But it will be acapella..."
"Shut up, 'jo de puta. You must go out!"
When the voiceover said that the National Anthem would be performed.
His outfit were a leather pants, plus a plush-fabric lightblue shirt.
The girls were out there screaming loud for him.
The main XI were waiting for that moment. Fernando Muslera was really skeptical about the blond guy who would perform their anthem. Luis Suárez was angry.
"How this fucking freak will perform this?"
"Shut up. Just stand up there and listen up" Nahitan replies.
"My cochlea will blow up with the girls screaming! Grrr!"
The great issue was that according to FIFA politics, only the first 30 seconds can be performed into a football match. He wanted to sing the entire anthem, but
he knew the protocol already.
Then the young man began to sing the lyrics:
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
He grins while he listen to his fans. And he keeps performing...
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
But then, he decides to jump off the protocol and sing the verses which followed:
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito à la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito a la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
De este don sacrosanto la gloria
Merecimos: tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Y muriendo, también libertad!
También libertad!
También libertad!
In the last one he hit a higher note, keeping the mic away from lips.
He smiles and the crowd is cheering loud.
But girls were crying, not only for his skills, but also from "cuteness".
"¡Uruguay no má! ¡Gracia'!"
He waves his hand and punches his chest with his right fist and also makes a peace signal.
"Incredible, Thiago, you were awesome... but more awesome as usual!" Cachila praised.
"Is my job, I'm just doin' my job, Ramón"
Then, he tries to drive Thiago for some place in private... he is frowning...
"Your ass look so great, Thiago..."
"Can you kiss me, Thiago...? I'm your fan, please"
"¿Ta' loco, hijo de puta? Lemme go...!"
He tries to run away, but Cachila grabs his plush shirt and pulls him against the wall.
"Lemme...lemme go!!" he says punching his chest.
But his efforts were senseless after all, because Cachila rips off the shirt and begins to lick his middle line.
"Do you wanna get your reward, dicksucka!?"
Cardozo exposed his tongue and kissed Cachila with raw passion.
"Vamo' a casa y lo resolvemo'...¿Ta?"
He sighs and swallows some saliva and even coughs.
"Okay, you... dicksucka"
"La concha de tu madre"
Cachila grabs Thaigo's left buttock.
The second sound engineer - Gastón - sees Cachila cuddling Thiago and grabbing his ass the entire while.
"You're his number one fan..."
"We'll see that, Gastón, see ya"
"Sure, dude! Good luck!"
RANCAGUA, JANUARY 11th, 2018.-