A post that is only about how hot it is.

Apr 25, 2006 08:49

I have just walked to my chem lab and back again. It is 8:00 in the morning, not even the hottest part of the day. My chem lab is in Kirkman...about a 10 minute walk one way ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

carlyd81 April 25 2006, 17:58:37 UTC
Hey! It's been a while since I've seen you. Just wanted to say hey :)

I also wondered a few days ago where you would be after you get married. You aren't moving away are you?


chelsielynn April 25 2006, 18:25:19 UTC
Well I'm not realllly moving away. I'll be in Seattle for June and most of July, but then I'll come back to start school again. Tim will finally be able to move back again in October, so then we'll both be in LC for good!

I miss yall, tell George I said hi. See yall on Thursday!


carlyd81 April 25 2006, 18:27:50 UTC
Actually..we won't be there Thursday. We are going to the MercyMe concert in Lafayette. We'll all have to meet up soon :)


karaleethewolfe April 25 2006, 22:44:50 UTC
But I felt like I had just wrestled a medium sized animal!



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