Title: Infinite Regress of Schrödinger’s Cat
Medium: Film
Fandom: Inception
Subject: Gen
Warnings: Spoilers. Spoilers! SPOILERS!
Notes: LIKE YOU DIDN’T KNOW THIS WAS COMING. I’ve already watched it twice and will be going at least once more. And that’s all I’m saying about that. I'm hiding both covers for spoiler-phobes.
one. There There (The Boney King of Nowhere) - Radiohead
in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape / broken branches trip me as i speak / just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there
two. + Ghost - Holy Fuck
three. Two - The Antlers
there's no other witnesses, just us two / there's two people living in one small room / from your two half-families tearing at you / two ways to tell the story (no one worries) / two silver rings on our fingers in a hurry / two people talking inside your brain / two people believing that i'm the one to blame / two different voices coming out of your mouth / while i'm too cold to care and too sick to shout / you had a new dream, it was more like a nightmare
four. Once More For the Dollhouse - Basia Balut
your dreams are so quiet / don't you need me anymore
five. Fondu Au Noir - Coeur Du Pirate
et à ton réveil la vie reprend son train / certes tu passes comme de l'air dans un monde sans musique / dépourvu de tes nuances un peu trop spécifiques
six. Röyksopp Forever - Röyksopp
seven. Forever After Days - The National
on my feet i stand tonight / stand alone inside the air / an extraordinary man / everything stops and holds me there
eight. Sortez De La Salpetriere - Paris Motel
the streets of old paris are paved with despair / but its rooftops still glimmer with gold / we raise up our voices and color the air
download The image used on the front cover is M.C. Escher’s Relativity. The back cover image can be found here.
And to the person who made this macro:
I hereby offer you my undying love.