Mar 10, 2007 15:38
Ok... I have just learned that the hall of fame award was from much music....
Holy crap.. so much freaken work to do..
Mar 10, 2007 14:29
Not sure if this is 100% true.... but I heard that MCR- The Black Parade is in some music hall of fame....
If you hear anything about this please tell me...
Mar 09, 2007 22:04
Ok.... this is not funny. i am fucking pissed off. I don't freaken understand the tutorial for making a layout... Why do things in the world have to be so goddamned confusing?
Mar 09, 2007 21:49
I don't know how to use this utterly confusing livejournal.... i don't know how to use the layouts or the communities... But apparently I've already joined one... (community)
and its not helping that i'm sick.... my head hurts, my throat is sore... i'm wacko....
Mar 08, 2007 21:31
I just got this and don't know what the hell to write....
aubergine dreams...
I am not afraid to walk this world alone, I am not afriad to keep on living. Honey if you stay you'll be forgiven...