Just for common information ^^" I watched SPN today... okay, good episode but not great... but the ending was amazing and therefore worth all the stuff before ^^"" *squishes dean and sam* The ending made me cry .___. they were just so adorable.
and I found this meme over at
jennie_belle's journal ^^"
1. Which Winchester would you want to be and why?
Sam 'cause I would know like... everything XD
2. Do you prefer a shotgun or handgun?
ehm... shotgun? XD
3. Rocksalt or Goofer Dust?
Rocksalt XD
4. Do you think Dean Winchester will ever settle down?
If Dean will settle down the world would blow itself up I think ... ^^"
5. Purple Nurples or Beer?
what are pirpe nurples? Well since I don't like beer I guess I'll say nurples ^^"
7. Let's say you had a chance to sleep with Sam Winchester, but you know you'll die afterwards. Will you still do it?
can I get some time to think it over? XD
8. Bela or Ruby?
Ruby, 'cause she's cute and Bela has strange teeth ¬_¬
9. "Nightshifter" or "Born Under A Bad Sign"?
"Born under a bad sign" was Evil!Sam? well then I'll go with this episode :3
10. Who's your favorite Winchester enemy? Gordon or Agent Henrickson?
Gordon... but he's former enemy, isn't he? ^^"
11. A Winchester in boxers or briefs?
*is grinning stupidly* boxers
12. Would you rather fight Vampires or Werewolves?
Vampires, because they're hotter XD
13. Let's say you just got a new puppy. What "Supernatural" related name would you give it?
Sammy <-- I second that XD
14.Sam Or Dean?
Sam! *is forever and ever a Sam!Girl*
15. Bobby or Ash?
Ash T___T
16.Evil!Sam or Evil!Dean?
Evil!Sam, but totally!!! XD
17.If you could bring 1 character back from their death, who would it be & why...
Ash, because he was funny and smart and ... out of the ordinary
18.What other show would a crossover be funny with?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer <-- I agree XD
Maybe I would add "Angel" to the list XD (but that's Buffyverse, too ^^")
19. Fave guest star?
Mercedes MacNab ò.ó XD once vampire, forever vampire ^^"
20.Fave baddie, like ever?
that's a tough question... I'll say YED! He had style XD