It is all about race. Some black men act less civilized than these white girls. These girls do not pose a serious threat to society, however blackmen , especially ones that have a prior conviction, are a threat to our society.
You are truly a racist ignoramous to make a stayement like that. Obvious are one of two things: 1) You run out of sheets in your house because you are too busy making hoods out of them or 2) You are longing for the "Good Ole' days" your parents/grandparents had being the "Superior Race." Ignorance still reigns supreme in this country.
I consider myself an average person and appearance would probably determine my decision. I dont know if it has anything to do with race but I would probably give a cute girl a lesser sentence than a guy or an unattractive woman and if a guy looks like what I perceive to be a thug I would judge him like one. Unfortunately it's human nature.
I agree that the prior criminal records played larger role in their sentenced then their race. It's not a crime to be a stripper it just lowers your standards in some peoples eyes. However drug charges are a little be more serious then taking your clothes off for money.
I always find it interesting that the NAACP seems to pick & choose which criminals they want to defend(or not defend). It would be nice one day to see the NAACP call a criminal a criminal,not try & say their sentences were longer or they were treated un justly due to the color of thier skin. Did they commit their robbery in a violent manner? Did they have previous criminal records? Lets look at it honestly folks, it does not matter what color their skin is, but the type of crime & way the crime was committed is what should matter.
nobody said "black men in general" are a threat to our society? can you freakin' read??? c'mon.. are you fucking kidding me? is that what YOU read in to it???? perhaps YOU are the one with the stereotypical attitude then. and what do you think would happen if the two white chicks got the chair and the two PREVIOUSLY CONVICTED black men got probation? nothing... there is no naaWp. it would be overlooked. but let's play the race card on this one... why not? sounds like fun.... HUH! typical... naacp - what a fucking joke. it makes me want to puke...
First Comment
April 9 2008, 02:47:19 UTC
Read the very first comment again...
...Some black men act less civilized than these white girls. These girls do not pose a serious threat to society, however blackmen , especially ones that have a prior conviction, are a threat to our society.
I believe that's what that comment referred to, and yeah that comment (first comment) was pretty ignorant. On the article as a whole, I'd like to think the conviction of those two men was based on their previous criminal background and not their race.
It's sad that the two girls were actually laughing as they robbed the bank. I hope they'll give more thought to their actions with the punishment that was given them.
Comments 39
...Some black men act less civilized than these white girls. These girls do not pose a serious threat to society, however blackmen , especially ones that have a prior conviction, are a threat to our society.
I believe that's what that comment referred to, and yeah that comment (first comment) was pretty ignorant. On the article as a whole, I'd like to think the conviction of those two men was based on their previous criminal background and not their race.
It's sad that the two girls were actually laughing as they robbed the bank. I hope they'll give more thought to their actions with the punishment that was given them.
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