Title : Trip to Japan
Pairing(s) : SCANDAL x OC , HSJ x OC , some pornstar x OC ,
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : i own the story.
Chini, who's dying to meet SCANDAL, Leah who wants to meet Kei, Thiza who dreams of stalking some pornstar and Nikki who wants to watch Hey Say Jump concert finally arrived at the Japanese airport.
"kyaaa~ we're finally here~." leah said happily. Cold wind was blowing, everyone there is wearing jackets except for the 4. they didn't know it will be that cold, it's not cold in the philippines, the country where they lived, so the instant they set their feet they were shivering.
'It's so cold." Thiza said who tightly hugged herself to avoid getting cold.
"Yeah, hey thiza, what the fuck are you doing? gross .." Chini said while laughing.
"hahaha, yeah thiza stop that." leah said.
"but i'm cold." thiza said.
"it's our own fault for not bringing jackets with us." Nikki said.
"yeah." the 3 said as they shivered again.
"so ... where will we live for 3 days?" leah asked.
"eh?" chini said, looks surprised.
"don't 'eh' us, don't tell me we will stay on the allies for 3 days and 3 nights." Nikki said.
"haha, nan-chatte ~ there's already a hotel room reserved for us. let's go now." chini said with a grin.
"yey~." thiza said happily because when they get to the room she can finally have some warmth.
They reached their assigned hotel which is located in tokyo, and hurriedly entered the room, room # 518, the hotel is quite big, and looks a 5 star hotel, they're really lucky to get in this, they don't know if this'll happen again. The room # 518 is too big for a room. it's almost a house. There were 4 bes, 2 bes in the right, 2beds in the left seperated by a lamp shade and a telephone in the middle. They opened the lights ,there is a chandelier , it really is a 5 star hotel. They went to see the bathroom, there is a bathtub that can hold 3 people at the same time, almost a mini pool. Then in the other side is the toilet, and then the shower. the 4 of them almost fainted after they explored the room.
"is this real?" thiza asked with a 'can't believe' tone.
"we will live here for 3 days ..." leah uttered. Then the 4 of them jumped on separate beds, chini, leah, then on the other side is niikki and thiza. They jumped on the beds toether and started to jump, jump, jump. It's so fluffy, they looked like ignorant kids and BAKA.
"stoooooop ~!" chini shouted. then they all stopped in doing that silly thing.
"nande?" thiza asked.
"LOL. don't forget why we're here! we must explore japan ! we must start now." chini continued.
"hai!" the 3 agreed.
"this day will count as our first day, so we must explore japan together, ok?" chini added.
"let's explore tokyo first , since we're here." Nikki suggested.
"ok," the 3 agreed.
They first went to an instrument store that Chini suggested, hoping to meet SCANDA: there, but due to badluck, no SCANDAL appeared, Chini about the SCANDA: just kept it a secret to the other 3.
"uwaaa, it's like haruna's guitar." chini said with an amazed voice.
"it is haruna's guitar." nikki said.
"eh?" the 3 reacted
"it's fender, and the style is like hers, so it's haruna's." nikki explained
"i can't understand the logic." leah said. then the 3 of them laughed together, after that they went to a CD store nearby, to buy some CD's.
"kyaaa~ it's Hey Say Jump's newest single." Nikki said.
"kyaaa~ <3 kei !!!" leah said with a heart shaped ears.
"this is keito right?" thiza said as she pointed at keito on the HSJ poster.
"yeah." Nikki answered,
"waaaa! all SCANDAL CD's are here, this is heaven !" chini said as she grabbed the CDs
"eh?!" leah asked.
"i'll buy it." Chini said happily. "oh , forgot, thiza , here." chini said as she gave thiza 50,000 Yen.
"50 .. 50 , 000 yen?" thiza said with a confused look.
"yeah, your dad gave it to me, he told me to give it to you., i already converted it to yen."
At that point thiza felt happy, happy not only because of the money but also happy that her father , for the least remembered her.
"yosh! i can finllay buy some PornMag and some CD's" thiza grinned.
"hahaha." the 4 of them laughed together, not minding the japanese people who's staring at them because of their loudness and because of the different language their using. They went to the counter bringing their own goods. Nikki bought some HSJ album and single, Thiza bought one HSJ album and One SCANDAL single because she said she'll be saving some for porn mag and DVD. Leah bought a s/mileage album, and HSJ's newest single and chini bought SCANDAL albums and singles she could see. After buying in the music store , they decided to go to the mall to buy some merchandise.
They first went to HSJ merchandise store. Leah almost fainted when she saw all those kei posters, Nikki who really fainted got up again after a minute. Thiza kept looking on the posters hoping for them to talk, and Chini who's trying to translate the kanji's written all over. Because they don't have jackets with them, they felt a little cold again so they decided to buy some HSJ jacket, but Chini didn't buy one.
After that they went to the SCANDAL store to buy their merchandise, Chini wuickly get Can-ta stuff toy and key chain, she also bought SCANDAL jacket/ Can-Ta jacket, They were about to leave when they saw some scandal bags, the four of them bought it, there's some free scandal things inside. Chini who can't believe this is happening slapped herself, everyone looked to her but she didn't mind them. For her this is heaven, she has been a fan , ever since leah introduced SCANDAL to her, because of that chini treated leah for the bag.
They went back to the hotel to rest.
"kyaa~ we bought so many things~ <3." leah said happily. " too bad i forgot to buy kei's poster." she added with a sad face.
"don't worry," chini said as she opened the SCANDAL CD's she bought one buy one. "you can still go back there tomorrow."
"yeah, so what's the plan tomorrow?" Nikki asked.
"ne, can we go to places by ourselves? i have a mission - - " thiza said but was cutted by leah.
"to stalk some pornstar?" Then all of them laughed
"ok,ok, tomorrow, let's go on our separate ways. go back here by youselves before 9pm." chini said.
"separate?" Leah and Nikki said.
"yeah , but if you want you could go together." Chini added.
"gomen ne, leah , i can't go with you to find kei." Nikki said.
"ok, i'm planning to find him alone using my heart ~ i can feel it ... we will finally meet." Leah said.
"FEELER!" Chini, Thiza and Nikki said while laughing.
"oh, by the way, here." chini said as she handed them 3 pocket biooks. "that's a japanes- english dictionary, just in case."
"arigato." the 3 said. After leah finished uplading the pics. she took a wile ago, she standed up and wore here i <3 HSJ jacket.
"where're you going?" Nikki asked.
"ano , i want to buy some chocolates, i read an entry that there is a chocolate factory here in tokyo." leah explained
"then i'll be going out too.. " thiza said "i will explore some porn stores here in Tokyo."
"ok then, just make sure to go back before 9pm. Those stores are not far from here so it's sure that you wont get lost." chini said, then the two get out, now there is only Nikki and Chini in the room.
"Ne, Nikki, you wont go out?" Chini asked.
"Maybe later, i'm kinda tired, and i want to watch to taste some fuji apple."
"ok. see you later."
Thiza who just got separated to leah a while ago is now talking to some japanese man.
"um, ano ... where can i find her?" thiza said as she speaked in English to the japanese man.
"Engurish? s-s-sorry, no english." the japanese man said. Thiza was about to leave when the japanese man stopped her.
"chotto matte."
"rina nagasaki?"
"hai." thiza said, then the japanese man pointed to one of the stores.
"there, rina nagasaki, sometimes." he explained.
"arigato." thzia said with a japanese accent.
Leah on the other hand went to the chocolate factory at then end of the next street near the tokyo tower.
"so many chocolate." leah whispered, as her stomach talked. she have some chocolate madness, when she saw it she want's to eat it, that's why she's quite chubby but not that fat., because she can't control herself anymore she get one chocolate in the stall and ate it, it was all okay but the guard saw her. The guard talked in japanese , because she can't understand it she didn't mind, but the guard got mad and said. " speak japanese?"
"gomen ne, little only, i speak english." leah explained.
"english?" because of what leah said, and because the 2 of them can't understand each other , the guard told her, " pay" then he went out. leah then went to the counter and payed for it and to the chocolate she got.
Chini picked 15 Fuji apples and payed it in the counter. While paying it she saw a SCANDAL poster, It lookes like an announcement or something, she wants to read it but it was written in kanji.
"ne, SCANDAL?" she asked the cashier as she pointed to the poster.
"hai..." the cashier explained in japanese , but chini only understood the 'hai' part.
"gomen ne, no japanese, english only." she said.
"oh, scandal concert on jan 17." the cashier said, trying her best to speak in english.
"arigato." chini said happily.
Meanwhile on Nikki's place, she was watching NHK even though she can't understand what it's talking about, waiting for HSJ to appeaer. Due to much boredom, she opened the computer that is in the room and started to open her facebook. There was a message from katherone, one of their friends and also a classmate.
"Nikki, where have you been? the 4 of y ou are absent today, it's kinda weird and suspicious, the teachers are thinking that something fishy happened." after reading that she closed the computer and watached NHK again just to found out that HSJ's show already started.Hikaru and Yabu are in the middle of their song.
7:30 pm
The door opened and leah showed up, she wuickly layed down on the bed and said "what a day.". after some moment, thiza with chini appeared, the 2 of them have big smile on their face, Nikki could see that something good happened.
"want some apples guys?" chini asked, even without a response shw threw 3 apples in different beds.
"guess what." leah started, "i almost ended up in jail." Nikki who was watching jappily, thiza who is day dreaming, and chini who is eating apple stoppend on what they are doing and darted their attention to leah.
"eh?" the 3 of them said.
"i was caught eating chocolates without paying." she continued,
"hahaha, it's your fault." chini said as she took a bite of the apple.
"hey~ i know where i can see --" thiza said but was cutted by Nikki.
"pornstar?" Nikki blurted.
"yeah~ i hope i could." thiza said but was cutted again, this time it was leah.
"stalk pornstar?"
" ne, SCANDAL will have a gig in "rock japan" near our hotel , maybe .." chini said.
"kyaaa~ yey, we should really go!" leah said.
"what date will it be held?" Nikki asked.
"jan 17."chini answered.
"17?! but today is 14 , we will go by 16." thiza said.
"waaa.. i almost forgot." chini turned pale, she missed her only chance to see and meet her favorite band.
"to make things worst, dora messaged me, the teachers are getting suspicious because we're absent" Nikki said.
"eh?" the 3 said.
"we'll just make an excuse when we got back." chini said.
"ok, oyasumi ~ i'm getting sleepy." thiza said.
"oyasumi,"leah, nikki and chini said.