Feb 08, 2011 17:36

Pairing(s) : Masuda Takahisa X Me :)
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : I own the story but sadly , not massu

"rico-san, your grades dropped really low.." my sense said while doing his angry pose.

"ano, gomen ne,"

"that's what i'm talking about," another teacher said, "since the day you started going ..."

"this has nothing to do with it!" i shouted and went out running.

I don't understand them, is it really that bad? i just missed the 1st place and the world turned against me, against us. i don't really care about the ranking, they want it for theirselves.

"oi chini, let's eat at the rooftop~" a deep yet warm voice said, without looking i already know who it is, massu ~ my bestfriend turned boyfriend, we started dating the day the confessed to me, it's been 6 months i guess.

I didn't talk to him and instead went straight to the rooftop , he followed me, when we reached the rooftop he asked "what's the problem?"
i didn't answered a word, he hugged my and said.

"things will be fine." he looked at me and showed his bright smile and cute dimples that keeps me alive.

"no matter how you act, no matter when it is, i'll always love you." after saying that he kissed my forehead and sitted down.

"itadakimasuuu~" he said.

"oi! don't eat without me!" and we started eating the bentou he made.

"oishi~" i smiled and looked at him.

"hahahha, i'm so happy you finally smiled." he said, " so what happened in the faculty room?"

I narrated the whole story, we always share each others thought, no secret is between the two of us.

"it's like he world is against us ..." i said, massu didn't tell anything , he looked at me and held my hand.

"Even if the world turn into enemy , i'll always protect you, i don't care on what will happen next, i love you and that's all that matters." after saying that he smiled again, the the bell rang, the sign for us to go to our respective classrooms, since massu and i are not classmates we have to go on our separate ways.

Massu blew up his cheeks and let go of his hands,

"chini ..." he said.

"huh?" he's quite serious ne?

"even if it is someone like me, i can get stronger, if you're with me. I'm not afraid of anything, it's kinda strange magic, just stand by me, it just can't be anyone, it must be you." He blushed after saying it, it's really cute, ofcourse i also turned read.

On the way to our classroom, i started a conversation because it's so quiet, we usually  don't run out of topics but after his speech, we became quiet.

"ne, will you still love me when i turn into a grandma?" it just came into my mind.

"BAKA!" he said as he patted my head.

"yaaaaaaaa! my hair will be messy. stop, bleh !"

"when that time comes, it's the same for me." he said. "i'll never let go of your hand" he continued.

Awwwwwwww, massu really tells sweet words that makes my heart thump so fast ~ the hall finally came, it's time for us to separate.

I was walking by myself now, 10 meters away from him, he suddenly grabbed my hands and kissed me, a kiss on the lips, tender and gentle. It was our first kiss.

"gomen," he uttered

"Iie, it's ok .. ano , "

"I love you."

"I love you too, my first and last kiss will be your forever." after that we finally separated


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