I created this Meme in hopes of LJ friends coming together, to show support/encourage/help those who can relate to others who suffer or know of someone who suffers from any form of mental health disorders.
About Me Name: Age: Location: Mental Health Questionnaire What is your diagnosis & how do you currently feel about your diagnosis?: Are you receiving outside help/support, for your diagnosis?: Are you interested in having e-friends to support you? How will this encourage you?: Has your mental illness{es} defined who you are?: How do you feel about supporting others who live with mental health disorders?: Overall, how would you rate your mental health?: Do you have any hobbies/interests that help you with your mental health diagnosis?: Do you have an Emotional Support Animal?: Other How active are you on LJ?: What type{s} of LJ friends are you interested in?: Various interests, in general?: What are some topics you enjoy posting about?: Friending Policy: Anything Else: