REAL ACCESS screencaps

Mar 20, 2004 18:03

1. Don't take pics without asking me, if you do take credit, damn it!
2. Comment if you see them so I know you appreciate the time this takes.
3. Add me to your friends lists if you have LJ and wanna be cool, 'cause I love people, and you can NEVER have too many friends.
4. Wish me a happy 15th b-day 'cause I will be 15 tomorrow(March 21st at 3:08 pm, woot!)!

Past Degrassi Screencaps(yes, some are from episodes not yet released in the U.S.


"Say Cheesy!" Now you see how truly lame this show is...

Lauren's driver's license that she "swore she'd never show anyone"

"Paige"'s locker. In it she has a pick of Avril (Canadian pride for her i guess?), Chad Michael Murray, etc.

Let's go into the boy's washroom...

Darn, nothing there.

Lauren's ice cream sandwitch stash.

The rest of Lauren's junk food.

The Cafeteria...

Where the cast and crew actually eat lunch!

Lauren, Miriam and Cassie gossiping in the make-up room.

"The Wall of Shame" accoring to Lauren, a picture of Adamo in Aubrey's clothes, and vice-versa. (That one's for you Lyd! :] )

The boys get just as papmered as the girls.

The end of the Lauren segment.

What some user had to say. I STRONGLY disagree, but whatever.

Onto the Jake segment...

As Lauren Mayhew, the annoying host of the show says, "He's cute and can make a bed. Is it really hard to make a bed, I mean come on!

Jake's SNL poster, and he says he put it up himself. *claps for jake*

Jake shows us his random CD collection.

Jake's soccer trophies and such. He says something like, "Some guy kicked me and i had to sit out the final game with an
> icepack on my crotch!"

Jake plays a 3.2 second thing on the guitar, I guess they cut him off?

Jake's teddy! Uncle Frank! Aawww, but why is he kept in the dark, cold, closet all alone!

Pics of Jake and his sister, I forgot her name.

Jake's basement band stuff...

Jake playing drums.

Jake's mommy, who whips out the baby pictures! :]

Picture 1.

Picture 2, definelty a keeper.

Picture 3.

The 4th, and final picture we are shown. Guess he doesn't have a naked one where he's on a bear skin rug, thought everyone did, go figure...

Jake thanks us for coming on a tour of his house.
I said you're welcome, but he didn't answer. :[

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