Pick five fandoms. List for each of them:
1. The first character you first fell in love with
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't
4. The character you love that everyone else hates
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer
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Comments 2
I loved Allen and Ann! Ohmigosh, I miss them so much. *__* They were awesome. And Allen played that cool flute! <3
Stupid Pokemon fandom got stupider as I got older. o_o I loved Misty, but they replaced her with that stupid May! X_x; When I was younger, I used to think Ash was hot. XD
Roy? ;o; Aw...oh well. But! You need to see him in ep 14(I think?) and 15. With his past I was all "... ;O; *sympathy*"
Yuffie! I <3 that cute little ninja. :D Cait Sith to me is okay; I like Reeve better. X3 Cloud is one of the best Final Fantasy characters ever. I still like Aerith. ^^;
Allen and Ann *__* They were the best villains ever. I love villains that aren't really villains, and are just people that need to get through their own needs ^___^ -snuggles them both- Twins >;D
Pokemon really did get stupid .__. -sighs- It was stupid in the first place. We made up pokemon called things like 'Screwyu', because they would always say their names instead of a natural noise XD So the pokemon would be like, "Screwyu! Screw!" or something XDD -immature-
I haven't gotten that far o.o -watches- XD
<3s for Yuufie X3 Cait Sith annoys the living... stuff... out of me o__o; XD Cloud... I like him better now XD -lame-
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