Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes about my aunt, either on or off line. It is very much appreciated. You'll be glad to know that she's okay. I don't have any more details at this point because that's all anyone at the hospital has been telling anyone. Apparently she's needed a couple of surgeries and might need a third one. I haven't had a chance to see her yet because she's been so out of it but I should be able to get up there before the end of the weekend. I have to admit that I'm a little bit worried about it because I don't know what she's going to look like. The happy news is that she's not in a dire situation but sadly, she's still going to need all kinds of rehab for a while. If it's at the U of A hospital, then maybe I can help her out or something. I imagine she might end up at the Glenrose though. In that case, she'll probably end up seeing a lot of my mom and that will be good for her.
Beside that, there's not much else to report. Nothing much that feels very important anyway. Don't take that to mean that I'm in a horrible spot right now. Quite the opposite. I wish that my aunt was feeling better but given that she's basically okay (as okay as one can be when one has suffered a major car accident), there's not much to worry about. Nothing much to get too excited about. I suppose it's good enough to say that for the moment, I'm doing okay and for the most part, so are most of the people I care about.
I miss someone right now.