Happy Autumn Day!!

Sep 23, 2011 23:43

And a lovely day it's been here! It was a lovely blustery day that was both overcast but a little warm and chilly at the same time. That means, of course, I should update and give you more fabulous goodies to enjoy looking at and listening to! Huzzah!!

First, let's get some shopping done, shall we?

THIS IS A LINK to a fabulous print that has a fun play on that whole "Keep Calm and Carry On" message. It kinda echos my thoughts on the whole zombie apocalypse global re-animation block party thing. Speaking of the global re-animation block party, TAKE A LOOK AT THE GOOD WORK DONE BY THESE PEOPLE at the Zombie Rights Campaign. That's right, folks! The differently animated have a voice and that voice is being defended by this group. They are doing their best to get the word out there about peaceful ways in which to life with the differently animated instead of killing them horribly. Do check them out because they are fantastic! Not really into loving zombie-kind? Announce it with THIS SHIRT that will leave no doubt as to whose side you are on!

But what if Zombies aren't really your cup of plasma? Looking for something a little more atmospheric? TAKE A LOOK AT THIS GEM. Not going to lie, I would kinda love to have that hanging up in my bed room so I could stare at it all night. While you're at it, TAKE A GANDER AT THIS ONE TOO. Want the best of both worlds? CHECK THIS ONE OUT. This can easily be just a creepy pathway or a potential zombie haunt, depending on the person's point of view!

Since I'm a nice person, I'm gonna leave you with the best of both worlds too. Here are two different kinds of songs but both are equally fantastic!

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This song is Aim for the Head by Creature Feature. I'll have more to post from these guys in the future but this is possibly the greatest zombie related song on the planet and I mean that sincerely. I dare you to find anything catchier! (If you do, keep it to yourself because honestly, this one is enough of an ear worm for me!)

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This is Dark Forest by Midnight Syndicate. These guys are fantastic and they even have a Halloween album that you can find out there. I'll have more from them in the coming weeks too but this is enough to get you guys thinking of all the fabulously spooky nights to come.

So in short: HAPPY AUTUMN EVERYONE! Enjoy the links and until next time, Happy Haunting!

halloween goodness, autumn, links, video goodness, zombies, halloween

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