Title: Wandering Thoughts [Drabble]
Rating: K+
Word Count: 296
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters used here. They belong to their respective owners, namely the creators of Eyeshield 21.
Summary: After being a little too reckless with Hiruma's flame thrower, Mamori ponders over the significance of that moment.
Notes: I blame
honey_bee89's "Fire" banner for inspiring this one. I wasn't really thinking of participating in it, but then this came up and it wouldn't leave me so yeah... I guess I did participate in the end. ^^;; Well, it's short, and really nothing much. But I hope you enjoy it.
He’s a lot like fire, she thought to herself as she rubbed the burn mark on her shirt.
Her ‘little’ incident with the flame thrower taught Mamori a lot more than she realized. Upon reflection, that one thought that crossed her mind after that incident had grown into many other insights of the Demon Quarterback. Such as how he was just as uncontrollable as the flame that burnt part of that field. He caused just as much damage, and was unforgiving to those around him.
Her thoughts wandered further as she realized she was careless handling that flame thrower, and she was just as careless with him. Try as she might to control him, somehow it would backfire on her, causing embarrassment and sometimes a little pain. She watched the football team pushed beyond their limits by him, but she had also seen how he pushes himself even further, and no matter how she tried, he would dismiss Mamori’s efforts to help him. He was reckless too, she thought.
It was then that she reached the ultimate goal of her thoughts. One that made her smile, as she headed towards the field, files in one hand and camera in the other. He stood by the bench, blowing gum, and asked what was with that horrid smile, to which she casually dismissed as she took her place in the field that she had grown fond of.
Yes, he’s a lot like fire. He lit a fire in everyone’s heart within the team, and she’s sure he’ll keep it burning until the very end. And despite Mamori’s awful experience with fire and how destructive it is, this was one flame she wanted to keep alive. And she knows it will, as long as she is by his side.