Title: Wait For Me [Chapter 11]
Rating: T
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters used here. They belong to their respective owners, namely the creators of Eyeshield 21.
Summary: A sequel to my earlier fic, Gravity. Time is moving faster than before, and one question will be on the mind's of both Hiruma and Mamori. How long is too long
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Comments 5
this is Venomous Sakura, the girl who is desperately waiting your story in fanfiction, finally i've found your livejournal, thx god!
there's nothing else i can say, but update your story, please!
P.S: would you mind accept my friend request in facebook? please...QwQ
It's fine to call me whatever you prefer. And sure! You can add me on Facebook if you'd like. Have a link to my account?
I love that how in the end their stubbornness brought them together again.
I shall earnestly await the sex, oops, the next chapter....
Your birthday passed recently, I think, so a really happy belated birthday to you! After the next chapter, once certain things are revealed, I'm going to work on another chapter for UnsuiKarin, which will be after Mamori leaves Karin's place. It'll take a while, but I'll do my best so do look out for it! And thanks for the comment! :)
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