Guys, I am so totally back IN to this show. Amy! River! Rory! Eleventy! I just really truly love all of the current assortment of characters, and I am so very fond of Moffat's writing. (Look, I know he's not perfect. Nor is his writing. But: <3!) Though I wish we stayed on Earth a bit less, I love that he plays so very much with timey-wimey stuff and perceptions of reality. That is what time travel stories should be, to me; complex Gordian knots of narrative and predestination paradoxes.
I also loved the little moments of friendship and banter thrown in amongst everything, the entire beach scene was lovely. Actually, the entire bit where everyone shows up in America and picnics on a beach by a classic red car was lovely. I love the way the show is being shot -- there's a warmth and a depth to it. I really just find the entire thing to be so visually appealing.
Speaking of visuals: Did anyone else notice that the inside of the hatch was the same as the spaceship from The Lodger? The aliens there also used perception filters and burn people up.
Also, random and unrelated, I love the symmetry from Silence in the Library with the dead people inside masked space suits and River's eventual death with the Doctor facing down his death from a masked space suit, especially juxtaposed with her talk of how she feels like she might die when he doesn't know her any more.
Spaceships: (The Lodger, The Impossible Astronaut)
Little girl lure at top of stairs:
Likely throwaway point: Stairs that look similar to Amy's house, which doesn't appear to have three floors (and had extra doors hidden by perception filters):
And just for fun, because I love both River Song and Original Flavour Jack (I don't know who that Torchwood guy is, but he's at least a different flavour of Jack):
Vortex Manipulators!
Not the best picture of the manipulator, but definitely River looking badas:
Not the best picture of the manipulator, nor terribly badass, but I am tired:
(OMG, see how much more visually shiny the Moff episodes are?)