i've seen these sites before. it makes me think about how i used to be adamantly against digital editing. but then i slowly began to realise that my scanner isn't the best which led to photoshop editing. and these sites make me think how far one can go before it looks too perfect. i mean i didn't even do that much to this photo here: http://static.flickr.com/79/283128752_e181734dd4.jpg?v=0
but even now it looks entirely too aesthetically beautiful. and i know this isn't of someone, it's a tree but still. we have to be careful before we as photographers send out the wrong message.
i personally am a fan of using 800, 1600, 3200 for shooting portraits because of the dark contrast, the texture, the realness of the person much more than shooting in 50-100 iso.
i'm not against digital editing at all. i just don't use it myself. i prefer black and white film, printing myself etc. it's what fits me the most. like other people get great results with digital stuff. of course.. fashion/magazine type photography is a whole different scene that has got influence on how (young) people see themselves, it's ironic how for instance dove's commercials seem to "sell" really well. are they made becuase they speak to the feelings of women on perfect models and therefore sell the dove product (i think so) or are they made out of idealism to change the way women are projected in media?? thanks for your comment!
I don't think photography ever equalled reality. but that's a different discussion. what interest me the most about this is that so many people are unaware that all this editing and processing is done. thanks for your comment!
Comments 17
but even now it looks entirely too aesthetically beautiful. and i know this isn't of someone, it's a tree but still. we have to be careful before we as photographers send out the wrong message.
i personally am a fan of using 800, 1600, 3200 for shooting portraits because of the dark contrast, the texture, the realness of the person much more than shooting in 50-100 iso.
of course.. fashion/magazine type photography is a whole different scene that has got influence on how (young) people see themselves, it's ironic how for instance dove's commercials seem to "sell" really well. are they made becuase they speak to the feelings of women on perfect models and therefore sell the dove product (i think so) or are they made out of idealism to change the way women are projected in media?? thanks for your comment!
I think more people need to be made aware that photography does not equal reality, although that was once not the case.
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