Please excuse me while my brain explodes. EXPLODES. No one's online for me to flail at so THIS IS WHAT YOU GET.
Meryl and Charlie. beat DomStabs. IN THE FREE DANCE. And had enough of a FD score to medal DESPITE THE WORST OD EVER.
And OH BY THE WAY DomStabs lost overall which never happens especially in Russia (although I guess they lost to more Russians, so that might cancel it out).
You know what, I may be totally broke, but I'm going to have to come up with the money to go to the pairs/dance segments of Nationals. It's within driving distance AND ice dancing has gone COMPLETELY OFF ITS ROCKER AND I'M TOO EXCITED TO EVEN HANDLE IT. IT'S GOING TO BE AN EPIC SHOWDOWN. EPIC.
Also, every dance team has now lost a competition except Delobel/Schoenfelder, and even their wins weren't by much. Worlds is going to be CHAOS. CHAOS!!!
If you'll excuse me, I'll be curled up on my couch watching IceNetwork for the next couple of hours. (But if anyone else wants to flail I WILL BE ON AIM.)