Oh, the joys of HomerConnect. Well, I've finally
figured it out.
My spring schedule:
8:00-8:50 20th century theory/analysis with Jemian
9:00-9:50 Italian!
11:00-11:50 Women's Chorale
12:00-12:50 Music History III with Radice
1:00-1:50 Career Orientation
2:00-3:50 Symphonic Band
9:00-9:50 Honors Sight-singing IV with White
11:00-11:50 Women's Chorale
1:10-2:00 Class Trumpet
4:10-5:00 Oboe rep.
8:00-8:50 Theory
9:00-9:50 Italian
10:00-10:50 MFE, twice the whole semester
12:00-12:50 Music History
2:00-3:50 Symphonic Band
9:00-9:50 Sight-singing
11:00-11:50 Women's Chorale
5:25-6:15 Italian lab
8:00-8:50 Theory
9:00-9:50 Italian
11:00-11:50 Women's Chorale
12:00-12:50 Music History
So yeah. Pretty much insane. But Thursdays and Tuesdays are ok, and I'm excited about Italian. That'll be fun.