An Exercise in Nostalgia (alternately, I Have Nothing Better to Do)

Jul 09, 2009 21:13

This will be fun. I've been perusing my old blog, and found this really long survey. I'll re-post it here, with my old answers in italics along with answers that are current.

Monday, January 5, 2004

[My name is]: Alicia Well at least THAT hasn't changed.
[in the morning i am]: Tired. Ugh. Wicked tired. Okay, that's also true.
[love is]: Beats me In the air. Everywhere I look around.
[i dream about]: Weird stuff. I once had this dream where I was building a tunnel out of orange peels... I rarely remember dreams. Although last semester I had a lucid dream! It was awesome, I flew!
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: Personality, definetly. They're no good if they can't make me laugh. :-) First of all, I'm SO ashamed that I couldn't spell the word definitely. Also, humor is important, but probably not the first thing I notice. Let's go with height. That's a pretty easy thing to notice.
[last person you slow danced with?]: Wow, that was a long time ago. 7th grade, I think. Uh, Dave Chisolm maybe? Thankfully this answer has changed. I'm pretty sure I danced with Omar at a party last year. ... okay, that's still a pretty long time ago.
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: Aww, that's silly. If you know, you know. Looking back, I'm pretty sure everyone knew. Like, everyone. Anyway, I don't have a crush on anyone now.
[easiest to talk to]: Oh, all the band kids. Okay, way to be diplomatic 11th grade Alicia. It is easier to talk to music people a lot of the time, that's true.
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: ... No, not really. That was such a lie. I totally have.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Mia, I think My dad, a few hours ago.
[hugged]: My mom? Corinne this morning when I left Coxsackie. Yes, that's really where she lives.
[you instant messaged]: Lindsay AIM doesn't work on my computer anymore, so I don't know. I believe I g-mail chatted with Omar the other day, I suppose that counts.
[you laughed with]: Luke, like half an hour ago at string ensemble My roommate Kate; we were watching "Bones"
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer]: Probably not I guess I could, but it'd be awful.
[what's your favorite foods?]: Oh, anything terribly unhealthy. I like fruit, though. Still true. I'm a big fan of buffalo chicken.
[whats your favorite fruit?]: haha. Cherries, obviously. And oranges. Same.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: I don't know that I've experieced a great deal of either. Emotional, I suppose. You can take lots of tylenol for physical pain. Ooh, good answer, 16-year-old me! Still true; I'm lucky in that I haven't had great amounts of either.
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: None. But then again, I've never held it out to anyone and said, "Want it?" I guess that's the only way it could get broken. Once. Maybe twice.
[of hearts i have broken?] : None, as far as I know. Pretty sure that answer is still the same.
[of boys i have kissed?] : Including male relatives? Oh... probably not. Yes! Finally I can appear less pathetic! ... uh, now the answer is ... 2.
[of girls i have kissed?] : uh, none. Not including female relatives. Still none.
[of drugs taken illegally?] : Only advil at school... I'm quite the rebel. Zero.
[of tight friends?] : Umm... three or four that are really tight, lots of other good friends I guess that's the same. Friendships are a little different now that we don't see each other all the time.
[of cd's that i own?] : 30 or so, more if you count the ones I never listen to. Wow. I know I have more than 100 now, because they don't fit in my CD case in my car.
[of scars on my body?] : Nothing substantial, just my finger that I shut in the car door last year. I have one more now, from when I sliced my finger trying to cut open a bagel.
[of things in my past that i regret?] : Nothing I've done, only things I didn't do Well, I have now done the thing I had regretted not doing. So there's that. But I can think of a couple of things I do regret doing.
[i know]: That I'm short. You can stop telling me. :-P Yeah, I still know that.
[i want]: To take more control of my life. I tend to just let things happen. Nah, I don't agree with that anymore. Going with the flow isn't a bad thing.
[i have]: Way more than I need, and am truly thankful for it. Yes. Also syphilis. Kidding! I'm kidding. I don't have syphilis.
[i wish]: Cancer was cured? Well, it doesn't have to be realistic, right? Now I wish I had enough money to live in London for 4 months. Because I'm really not sure how that's going to work.
[i hate]: English class. And spiders. Ew. Eugh. I do hate spiders.
[i miss]: Last year's seniors... it really isn't the same without you guys. I'm gonna be such a wreck at the end of this year. I miss playing the oboe. I should do that more often. Also people I haven't seen in a while.
[i fear]: English class? Spiders? Drowning. That's probably the scariest thing I can think of.
[i love]: When English class is cancelled. LoL, just kidding. My awesome friends that help me get through even Engish class! Man, I REALLY hated English class. F'ing Mr. Veitenheimer... anyway, I love Ithaca. <3 I'm really going to miss it.
[i ache]: after too much marching.. ouch. After sitting on the ground all day on the 4th of July. But it was TOTALLY worth it.
[i care]: Too much about what other people think. Yeah, that's valid. Less so now, I think.
[i always]: Procrastinate. Gotta get a handle on that. Nah, I barely took any classes where I COULD procrastinate last year, haha. I always... spend too much time on the internet?
[i dance]: If the situation calls for it... (like the BAND DANCE! WHOO!) Aww, band dance. Those were fun times. Yeah, I don't dance much.
[i cry]: When Aragorn says, "My friends! You bow to no one." And all the people of Minas Tirith bow to the noble hobbits and... oh yeah. Right. Survey. Uh... let's pretend like that didn't happen.
[i do not always]: complain about English class. Or wait, maybe I do. I do not always tell everyone how I feel.
[i write]: when I'm stressed. Apparently it does actually help to relax you. The things you learn in Health class... Mostly I write when I'm bored. See: now.
[i confuse]: People who don't like Lord of the Rings when I talk about it in front of them ("Lego what?") Wow. Dork much? Now I'm more likely to confuse non-musicians with music terminology, which I guess really isn't any less dorky.
[i can usually be found]: At home, in the band room. They are one and the same. Well, right now I can usually be fount at the repair window in Whalen.
[i need]: Some courage. If I only had da noive... Ohh, teenage angst. Now I need some dollars. For the living in London thing.
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: Can't say that I have... but I was present when Lindsay, Jamie and Kate randomly decided to go topless at Jon Jolin's house. Does that count? Still no.
[if so, when and with who]: See above Ditto.
[favorite place to be kissed?]: Not applicable? Corinne and Laura's couch. Haha!
[I deleted this question because it's stupid]? Huh. I wonder what that used to say.
[wuss]: Yep. Absolutely. Probably, but not as much as I used to be.
[druggie]: No. same
[gang member]: You might call band a gang... No, former me. You WOULDN'T call band a gang. and I have never been in one.
[daydreamer]: "So if you'll turn to page 426, we'll read some free verse poetry." How can I do anything but? Everyone loves a good daydream now and then.
[alcoholic]: Uh, no. Don't think so. Nope, I'm in college. :P
[freak]: Depends on who you ask. Nahh.
[brat]: Haha, yeah, according to my aunt. No, I don't think so.
[goody-goody]: Oh, I'm the gold standard. Well, less than I used to be, I suppose.
[angel]: Who says that? I agree with this one and the next one wholeheartedly.
[devil]: Ugh. These questions remind me of those stupid pants some girls wear rolled down to their hips with words written across the butt.
[friend]: Yeah, I like to think so. Of course.
[shy]: Not usually Meh, sometimes.
[talkative]: With some people Generally I'm pretty reserved.
[adventurous]: What are we talking about here? Sky diving? I'm not sure, I might be up to something like that. Honestly, I'm not that adventurous.
[intelligent]: In some areas Sure, I agree with that.
[wish you saw more often]: Any of the GMYSO people, Mia especially I wish I saw NH people more often. I saw a few of them this weekend, but it seems like it had been forever before that.
[wish you could meet]: Why would I claim to have friends I haven't met? Yeah, WTF?
[most sarcastic]: That's a tough one... probably Toni. And we love her for it. :-) Oh, Alana. Hands down.
[wish you knew better]: Suzanne and Emily. We don't hang out enough! Aw. I haven't seen Suzanne in years. Emily in even more years.
[knows you best]: I hate this, I feel like I'm choosing favorites. Mia probably knew me best then and knows me best now. :)
[best outlook on life]: We're all kinda freaked about looking at college... I'm not sure anyone sees the silver lining all the time. Hmm... I dunno. Most of my friends are pretty happy people.
[most paranoid]: Mia. Yes, you look fine. No your hair is not messed up. haha! HAHAHAHA. Yes.
[sweetest]: again, everyone's sweet. Jacqui, definitely. Last week, in response to Corinne calling me a whore: "If I'm a whore, then Jacqui's a bitch!" Cause she's totally not.
[your best feature (personality)]: Good listener, shoulder to cry on, etc. Yeah, I'll buy that.
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I'm incapable of brutal honesty. If the truth hurts, I'd rather keep it to myself than tell someone. Wow. that was pretty much like, "My biggest flaw is that I'm so awesome." The honest answer is probably not something I'd want to bring up in a survey.
[most annoying thing you do]: Correct grammar. I know you know it's "well" and not "good." it's a pet peeve, I'm sorry. I don't do that so much anymore, thankfully because most people I interact with use proper grammar. The most annoying thing I do now is probably talk too much about music around people who don't really care about it.
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: In what? Life? This survey? And I believe it would be thus far, you moron. Hah, word.
[describe your personality in one word]: Don't think I could. Yeah, that's a difficult question.
[the physial feature for you are most often complimented]: My "lights" sign in my car. Everyone thinks it's really funny. And I know that's not what you were looking for. Tough luck. Yeah, I don't really know.
[person you regret sleeping with]: Oh, give me a break. N/A Yeah, no one.
[a smell that makes you smile]: A campfire Mmm, yeah. And Burt's Bees
[a country you'd like to visit]: Australia I definitely still want to go there.
[a drink you order most often]: Diet Coke/Pepsi. Whatever they sell. Now I am extremely cheap, and I get water.
[a delicious desert]: Lindt chocolate truffles... mmmm... I do love most things chocolate.
[a book you highly recommend]: Ugh, I haven't read anything but that crap they feed to us in English in so long; I can't even remember the last time I read a good book. Okay, not everything they made us read in high school was crap. I would recommend anything by Christopher Moore, who is hilarious.
[your favorite band]: Wind Ensemble. No, really. I don't listen to much radio. I prefer solo artists, generally.
[a film you could watch over and over]: Finding Nemo. I DO watch it over and over! Yup. Still true.
[a TV show you watch regularly]: ER, and whatever reality show happens to be on at the time. I gave up on ER long ago, thankfully. Now I love "The Office" and "House"
[you live in a(n)]: house? apartment/house.
[your transportation]: My great little blue honda civic, hasn't failed me yet! Yay, honda civic! It still has Nemo on the dashboard and everything.
[your cologne or perfume]: Don't wear any still don't
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: Junk that I'm too lazy to put away properly... not my closet though. I cleaned that yesterday. Yeah, mostly clothes and stuff.
[something important on your night table]: A BIIIIIG glass of OJ. I love OJ. Ooh, good plan! I am totally going to get one of those and go to bed.

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