Not understanding the love. One hour into X-Men First Class and I gotta say, I'm not impressed. The plot is tedious. Soviet plots are done already. Charles is annoying; he's so moral and pacifist but mind invasion and imperius? A-okay and so much fun, yay (or something). The teenage mutant ninja turtles are incredibly cheesy (why are they all
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Comments 4
Oh man, Inception was such a let down for me because of the way everyone raving about it. It had lovely visual effects, but the story wasn't anything to write home about. Also the Arthur/Eames OTP that came out of nowhere...yeah.
For summer blockbusters, I actually really enjoyed Thor, much to my surprise because it seemed like the hokiest thing ever. I think it was because Kenneth Branagh was the director and his Shakespeare boner was really apparent in this movie.
I think if you have the slash goggles on, any movie or TV show with at least two pretty mens is going to be a wonderful movie full of slashy subtext goodness. At least that's what it seems like, nowadays.
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