Topology and Dynamics - 4th year lecture notes
Lie Algebas - 4th year lecture notes x2 for some reason
Mechanics 2 year lecture notes
Calculus - stewart 3rd ed
Calculus - Michael Spivak 3rd ed
Natural Dualities for the working Algebraist - David M. Clark and Brian A. Davey
Logic - Hurley
Cryptography - David R Kohel 4th year lecture notes
The q-Schur Algebra - Stephen Donkin
Discrete mathematics for computing - john e Munro
Atmospheric Data analysis - Roger Daley
Linear Algebra and its applications -Gilbert Strang
Number theory and its history - Oystein Ore
Dynamical systems and fractals - Karl-Heinz Becker and Hichael Dorfler
Introductory functional Analysis with Applications
A mathematicians explains - Myme I logsdon
Introduction to geometry - H. S. M. Coxeter
Fundamentals of behavioral statistics - Richard Runyon and Audrey Haber
The new compete Hoyle Revisted - Albert Morehead et. al.
Euclid's Elements
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