thingy that kat posted

Jun 20, 2006 01:55

this is what happens when I'm up late, I'm bored, and I'm watching paranoia agent. which is actually about over. but yeh...

Your full name: Leigh Anne
Height: 5'4"
Natural hair color: red-brown
Eye color: blue
Number of siblings: no blood sibs but one stepbrother
Glasses/contacts?: nope
Piercings: ears once & belly


Colors: deep purple, blue, silver
Band/singer: all time? Jars of Clay. others... lots
Song: The Dragon and the Phoenix by Shenanigan
Stuffed animal: my black cat, my cheshire cat, and my dragon
Video game: Guild Wars... Diablo II... Dynasty Warriors... etc...
TV show: Firefly... SG-1/Atlantis... Battlestar Galactica... Dr. Who... B5
Movie: Dune... Serenity... couple others...
Book: Kushiel Trilogy by Jacqueline Carey
Food: lobster cooked right. a good salmon steak, or tuna steak... mmm tuna...
Flower: Roses... Iris...
Scent: Sandalwood, Lavender, Sage, Rose
Animal: Felines. specifically? Ocelot. Caracal. Snow Leopard. I like wolves too. *pets my wuffie*
Comic book: I don't read 'em much. never had the opportunity...
Cereal: the honey crunchy stuff in the pantry (no not cheerios) and Lucky Charms mmm marshmallowy
Website: deviantART, neopets... anything else that keeps me amused...
Cartoon: cartoon or anime? cartoon - grim adventures. Anime - Eva. Eureka7. Trigun. Cowboy Bebop...


Play an instrument?: used to play piano (God help me) I wanna learn Celtic Lap Harp, but at the moment no.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: doubt it. unless I'm up watching anime all night.
Like to sing?: yeah. sometimes.
Have a job?: I'm a mom, whaddya think!?
Like to play sports? some sports. it's fun beating the boys.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: note MARRIED
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: heh, nope.
Have any special talents/skills?: depends. on my good days I'm an artist and writer. on my bad days I can't do shit.
Exercise daily?: workin on that one.
Like school?: never.


Sing the alphabet backwards?: hahaha you funny.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: yup. in fact I prefer it without shoes
Go a day without food?: have before... didn't like it much.
Stay up for more than 24 hours?: once. couple times. but only to reset my inner clock.
Roll your tongue?: yup. my wuffie likes it. *grins*
Eat a whole pizza?: half, and a bit. before I got preggers.


Cried to get out of trouble?: tried it. never worked... parents were too smart.
Seen a shooting star?: yeah. wished on every one too.
Been to any other countries?: yup
Solved a rubiks cube?: no... it bored me too quick.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: they had PJ day at school once...
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: nope. no milk, no soda... tho I saw it happen once.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: nah. I'm not -that- easily amused.
Been in love?: um... MARRIED!!! yes I'm in love. so nyeh.
Been close to love?: yeah.
Been to a casino?: workin on it.
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: YUCKY!!!! *makes gagging noises*
Made homemade muffins?: don't have a particular enjoyment for most muffins.
Been to Disneyland/ Disneyworld?: considering my parental units are disney freaks, yup. (and I mean that in the best of ways)
Been to Niagara falls?: it's on the list.


Brushed your teeth: whyyyyyyyyy
Saw a movie in theaters: X-Men Last Stand (VAN HELSING!!! YOU MURDERER!!! oh hi. *grins and waves*)
Read a book: finished one last week, started another one. I'm always reading :P
Had a snow day: last time I was in school... sometime... can't remember.
Had a party: parties are overrated.
Had a slumber party: been awhile.
Tripped in front of someone: hehe.
Went to the grocery store: last week sometime...


Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: off
TV/movie: depends on the mood... what's on... though generally I prefer music.
Car/truck: mmm... truck...
Body spray/lotion: depends.
Cash/check: money gooooooood
Pillows/blankets: blankets
Paint/charcoal: paint... charcoal hates me.
Chinese food/Mexican food: mood specific.
Summer/winter: spring. if it existed here. *thumbs nose at florida climate*
Snow/rain: thunderstorms.
Fog/misty: Mist
Rock/rap: *headbangs a lil* y'can't do that with rap. HA! :P
Meat/vegetarian: mmmm meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate!
Sprinkles/icing: neh. depends.
Cake/pie: pie. cake is mostly the same old thing.
French toast/French fries: ok... one's a breakfast food, the other is a side. what's the point here?
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: ocean. at night. with moon.
Cookies/muffins: Cookies
Wallet/pocket: sketchbag :P
Window/door: window
Pink/purple: purple
Cat/dog: didn't I already answer this one? felines, dammit!
Long sleeve/short sleeve: weather :P
Pants/shorts: see above.
Winter break/spring break: Spring
Spring/autumn: Spring
Clouds/clear sky: clouds. keeps out the evil bright sky light.
Moon/mars: Moon... and stars...


am: freak (mutant?)
want: new house... and about 5 acres of land... but barring that a new computer.
need: I'm good. *warm fuzzy moment*
crave: depends.
hate: when people ignore me even if they know I'm right and still go fuck themselves up... *ahem*
feel: tired. of a lotta stuff.
miss: mountains.
am tired of: stupidity in people I'm related/semi-related to.


What is your favorite genre of music?: celtic. rock. industrial. techno. trance. new age/meditative.
What time is it now? 2:27 am
What day is it?: tuesday.
When’s the last time you called someone?: yesterday. tried calling jeff. jeff didn't answer. he told me to. :P
Are you hungry?: yeah. kinda. ish.
Whatcha doin?: ... stabbing you.
Do you like parades?: depends. it's fun being in them.
Do you like the moon?: moon is my friend. and stars. I like the stars. they're preeeeetttyyyyyy.
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: hey, look... sleep!
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: to play with chaos and probability and fuck with people. *grins*
Have you ever had a picnic?: yeah... every time the fam'd head up the mountain for the day or weekend... camping... *sighs in melancholy*
Are you wearing any socks right now?: nope. don't like socks unless they're in shoes.


funny?: can be. I've been told that before. people laugh at me.
Pretty?: I get stared at a lot. that's either pretty or I'm just weird.
sarcastic: I am a practitioner of Snark Do.
hyper?: sometimes. when I'm excited or hopped up on sugar or caffeine.
friendly: sociable is a better term. I'm good at being nice to lesser lifeforms. *coughstupidpeoplecough*
smart?: I scare people. seriously.
strong?: nah. strength only gets you broken. better a willow than an oak.
talented?: *shrugs* sometimes.
dorky?: haha... why use such a flexible word? I like geeky better.


Sky dive?: no... it'd be fun but I'd piss myself in terror and where would be the fun in that?
Run away?: might... but I'd always come back.
Not take a shower for a week?: ewww squick bleh!
Ask someone out?: I'm too much of a coward... they always had to ask me. the few times they ever did. stupid boys.
Go scuba diving?: have done. it's fun 'cept for all the bulky crap. when they sleek it down, call me.
Write a Book: workin on that one too..
Become a Rockstar?: if I thought I had any sort of musical talent, yes. unfortunately, I didn't get that share of the family traits.


What shampoo do you use?: pantene enhancer stuff.
What kind of computer do you have?: one mac. one PC that's too old. one laptop with a broken cooling fan. another laptop that's got win98 on it... or mebbe it's 2000...
What grade are you in?: *makes nasty noises at the people with highschool diplomas*
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: if and when I get popcorn, it's because I'm hungry. besides... that's popcorn abuse.
How many posters do you have in your room? I never counted them... they're all my wuffie's 'cept my Yuyu scrolly poster thing. *pets the yoko goodness*
How many CDs do you have? a lot. but iTunes is my friend. and my pod. *purrs and snuggles the 'pod*
What time is it now?: 2:42 am
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