Pictures courtesy of the lovely
oblivxion, who is currently dead on the couch.
I want to be dead shortly as well, so I'm going to be brief.
Tonight rocked.
Mom missed our exit (twice), and we got there about 20 min before opening band.
Got kinda pushy and ended up rubbing shoulders with people who had waited outside the venue since 11am the previous day. Suckers.
These Green Eyes were great. High energy, kind of a different sound than what you usually get from a Hanson opening band, but that was kind of cool.
Averi owns my soul. They had this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING saxaphonist. Great band.
I think the chicks in front of us were mentally retarded. Or at least I hoped they were. They danced like Elaine from Seinfeld and administered more than a few bruises. And the girl who was right in front of me had wicked scratchy elbows.
Hanson was great. I think this might have been the best show I've been to, despite not being quite as close.
After the show, we got autographs from the lead singer of These Green Eyes.
Andrea confessed to Mike the Amazing Saxaphonist that she would bang him despite being a raging homo. Evidently that is going in his blog.
Went outside. Zac Hanson was signing autographs at the bottom of the stairs, but there was no way we would ever got close, so we just watched from the concrete stairs.
Evidently having a college radio show merits a free cd from These Green Eyes (given to us by the bass player). Woo!
Zac Hanson starts climbing the stairs, signing autographs as he goes.
Passes me by, but gets Andrea. I get kinda sad.
Tells my sister her rainbow belt is awesome. Signs it. I think Kelly's finally retired the belt.
Comes back down. I want to ask him if he's coming back to Portland, but the mental reject next to me is asking to touch his butt. He said that might make it awkward for his fiancee. And he signs my CD.
I ask him if he's coming back to Portland.
He doesn't hear me.
I ask again. His head snaps up. "Yes, we're coming back to Portland, Maine. Eventually. But probably not until next year."
So... um... yes, my life is a teency bit on the complete side, how about yours?
In case you don't want to read all that, here's the summary: omg omg omg I met Zac Hanson!