A DJ? You suck. I want one. Of course, I'd post on both, only be all morbid and let everything out on one or the other. Whichever people are least likely to read. Anywho. I WANT ONE. Don't say anything about Star Wars III. I haven't seen it yet. Wait. Who are you again? ....
you are one stupid fucking whore and quit teasing us with these failed attempts for attention. they are really getting on all of our nerves.i mean by the time you get done here you would have fucked everyone in bigspring. slut! i'm leaving this anonymous because i see you almost everyday i just dont have the balls to say it to your face. bitch!slut!skank!man this feels good. dumbass. oh and your boyfriend is gay trust me we made love twice allready. but you are so blind you havnt evan noticed. GROW UP YOUR NOT A LITTLE KID ANYMORE. and last you suck. but not as good as jacob! i'm out
Comments 4
And...alrite.Ill buton my lip on SW.I think I can get you a DJ.
i'm leaving this anonymous because i see you almost everyday i just dont have the balls to say it to your face. bitch!slut!skank!man this feels good. dumbass. oh and your boyfriend is gay trust me we made love twice allready. but you are so blind you havnt evan noticed. GROW UP YOUR NOT A LITTLE KID ANYMORE. and last you suck. but not as good as jacob!
i'm out
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