Evil stepmother....

Nov 08, 2008 14:03

Yeah yeah, so she's not really evil....but I honestly think its impossible to have a proper relationship with one unless you're super young when it happens. Or at least not that I've run across. But thats totally not the point of my post.

The point is that Tally is at it again. For those not aware back when she first married dad and shortly before I moved to Cali especially she was convinced I was anorexic. Now, this by itself is not really a problem....she's free to think whatever the hell she wants. The problem is the fact that she never keeps shit to herself, she has to go and TELL everyone. Furthermore she doesn't act like normal people along the lines of 'oh, I'm worried she might be anorexic...' no no, its 'oh, did you know Kelly is anorexic?' ::fumes:: Not only this, but she'll happily tell anyone and everyone she thinks is willing to listen. Back in Charleston she told an entire table of dinner guests....people we didn't even barely know. I know this because my room was right beside the area they were and I heard her - pissed me off something royal as you can imagine. She also took it upon herself to tell Judy and Jean over here in Cali....again people we barely knew and people I was going to help out/work for.

I'm not anorexic. I've always been around this weight and a fussy eater. But I do eat and I love eating....and no matter how many times we have the conversation or mention it in passing she just won't drop the bone. Instead I'm constantly getting peanut gallery chatter from her like 'Oh good, you're eating...' and 'I'm so proud of you for eating that much!' and 'Oh don't worry...Kelly just doesn't eat.' etc. etc. Not only do I think its none of her business at this point, but the way she handles the situation is appalling to me. If it were a problem its not like she actually cares, but more like its some spectacle or entertainment for her...something she can show around so people can see how sensitive and caring she is or some shit. She treats it much the same way as she does my being bisexual, everytime it comes into mention I feel like its barbed to hurt or make me feel less of myself. Fuck that.

Why am I bringing it up now and spamming my friends list though? Partially because she's started it up again in force and that annoys me, but it also makes me think about my step sister, Chloe. She's a super girly girl and we really don't talk much of at all, however we bunked together in Africa and got alot closer and talked. I was shocked and more than a little disgusted at what she told me closer to the end of the trip. Her mom thinks she's fat, tells her so. Not in the way that she'll sit her down and have a good talk with her about health and taking care of her body....but actually calling her 'fat', even in public. This past year they actually tried to ship her off to a fat camp, which I find ridiculous. My step sister isn't 'fat', she might have some extra weight....but she's in good health and takes care of herself, has kept a pretty even weight for years now and is happy with her body and looks.

Thats us in Africa.....my step sister is the one in the furry hood, I'm the awkward one standing away from the rest of the group...-_-;

Anyhow, as you can see, she's not fat! I could tell when I talked to her that the way her mother talked to her really hurt her...and that pisses me off. I'm all for making sure your kids stay at a healthy weight, I don't think enough parents do it....but theres a difference. Not to mention a certain way to handle it, to not be so hurtful. She also lives largely at home(when they don't cart her off to boarding school)...that means that Dory is cooking all her meals and they fill the cubbards. You'd think if you were worried about your daughters weight you might try having healthier meals cooked in the house....less junk food stocked. I also know Tally likes to hire a personal trainer when she's off and on feeling like 'getting in shape'(hah) - why not have her daughter share that time with her? There just seems like so many other better ways to get her to lose weight than simply telling her she's fat and trying to ship her to Hawaii for fat camp - like their just shoving her off because they don't want to deal with it.

So yeah, ranting about shitty parenting on both sides of the scale....and also about people fucking with other's body images. We're both in fine health and happy with ourself more or less...and yet she feels the constant need to try and bring us down. I hate people like that, its just damn hurtful.

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