Ugh, so much failure lately, and not even mine! General update here and slight ranting because - fuck - but I have enough shit going on and this is annoying.
A few weeks ago I had the check engine light go on in my car and took it into a small local place to have it checked out. I forget what was wrong with it exactly, but it was easily diagnosed and expensive of course. While I was there I also got all of my brake pads replaced as well as my back rotors(sp?). Total came out to something like $1200, fuck me, but ok because Sevvy-baby could be happy again. They got all the work done in one day and even gave me a ride home and back, so I thought at the time it was pretty awesome. When I left the guy asked that I come in a week later just to have them 'double check everything'. WEIRD, but ok. Only the VERY NEXT day the dude leaves a message on my machine asking that I come in that very day...and I was totally creeped out and thought they were going to try to scam more money out of me or something so I didn't go back in at all. No more calls after that.
Fast forward to last week and on the way to work my car's braking like...freaks out. Like I take my foot off the gas and it comes to a screaching halt and makes an awful grinding noise that I can feel when I start it up again from that complete stop. Not cool, but it only did it for a moment or so and then completely I let it go. Of course not a day later I get off work at 7pm or so and its doing it again, only worse and not stopping. Of course I'm stranded out in Yorba Linda, some 30mins from home and everyone else has already left for the day and its late enough that everything is closed. AWESOME. So I wake dad up over the phone and proceed to freak out before finally deciding on driving it to the Honda dealership with an overnight drop off thats 6mins down the road(scariest fucking drive EVER). Awesome upstairs neighbor comes and picks me up, for which I was omgsograteful. Again awesome neighbor drives me by to pick it up the next morning on her way to work, what was wrong with it? THE FUCKERS WHO DID MY BRAKE WORK LEFT A CLAMP ON MY FUCKING BRAKE LINE. I shit you not, the Honda guys thought it was lol-tastic, I was not amused. $59 later I'm driving out of there with a free car wash(yay!) and feeling all righteously smite-y.
Of course I proceed to drive to the place that left said clamp on my brake line...which I at this point have in my purse as evidence. The guy was a total douche and acted like it was all my fault for not calling back or bringing the car back when he called. Because his car guy had told him he thought he left a clamp on in the car which is why he called me and yet never mentioned this reason? I certainly would have brought the car back if he'd told me they'd just fucked up, I wouldn't have even been angry. I even was nice and let him pull me into the back to talk vs. there in front with all his customers. Of course I'm getting louder and cursing more as the conversation continues, because the idiot refuses to admit that he just made a mistake. I can totally deal with a mistake but you have to own up to that kinda shit. He also totally wanted to know why I hadn't brought the car in to them vs. letting Honda 'rip me off'. Because ya know, I totally wasn't stranded out in freakin' Yorba Linda some 40mins away at 8 at night. ::sigh:: Thankfully in three weeks or so I should have a refund for the $59 I paid Honda, and if not I am going down there and raising hell...very loud, customer noticing hell. After I get said refund I will also be posting bad online reviews like...everywhere.
In other ranting news...remember that post I made awhile back on the fail of the heating and air people? Of course you don't, don't worry, I don't blame you. But over the course of some 5 failful visits they supposedly fixed the ignition problem my heater was having. Well, two days into using the sucker this winter and its having the exact same problem. Of course I'm less than two months past my waranty now as well - brilliant. Major!fail, so tomorrow I'll call the house people for the heating and air people's number and see if I can't work out a deal with them...since obviously they did not even manage to fix my original problem and suck at their jobs.
I mean, really people? You're supposed to be specially qualified to do these jobs, why the fail?
Also, I totally apologize for this post - the next one will be shiny and happy I promise! I even have it all planned out in my head...sorta, it includes sequines, possibly some lol-tastic vampire sparkles.