Title: Through Another's Eyes [1/?]Pairing: Kyuhyun/Ryeowook
Genre: Slight fluff, slight angst... I think.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13.
Summary: Acknowledgement and blessings. Someone only had to almost die for it.
A/N: This is sort of a bigger plot broken down into little excerpts of stories... It's how each member of Super Junior found out about
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Comments 10
I loooove the plot its nice to witness another love to blossom in front of you:)
I didn't want to read at first when it said angst I thought they were together but coming out would break them
I hope wook will be ok...it won't be fair:(
Thankyu for this:)
Don't worry, truth is I cannot really stand angst myself. So trust me not to make this too angsty or else I'd weep at my own writing. we don't want that! lol ^^ I also love KyuWook too much to break them apart. :):)
you're welcome! :D
OMG i hope wookie will be alright,,
To find out whether or not Wookie will be alright please continue reading! :)
Your story is so good you write well
I really hope that nothing very serious happens with it will make our Wookie because kyu will suffer greatly
Do not forget about it to continue.
ah~ thank you *blushes*
I will try my best to continue~ you too, please continue reading! :):)
And mind me asking the end (if you have one) they will be together? or it will be super angst? Because I can't read super angst :( My heart will not take it :(
I will update in a few day's time.... hopefully! The chapter is in progress^^
I have something planned for the ending... but can't spoil yet! it will be no fun then... But I can promise you it wouldn't be super super angst-y... just a liiiittle bit. and by little i meant... really small to none. xD
i can't stand angst too!!! ^^ kkk it's sad and heartwrenching ;_; especially when they broke KyuWook up.
please continue reading~
Kyuwook can't be breakable T.T It's to much for my shipping heart XD
... now i have got no idea what defines angst :o but i won't break kyuwook up!
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