woke up at 7 to write two english papers
ran to english class to turn in the papers
got a lecture about how i'm doing badly in english
ran to the bus stop to go to work
missed both buses
had a panic attack
elsa takes me to work
received my special womanly visitor while at work
got off early so i had to sit outside for 30 minutes
with no cigarettes and no wallet because i left both in elsa's car
bought cigarettes and food
checked my email
found out i'm failing out of liberal arts honors cuz i missed one class
even though my tutor/ t.a. told me it was ok to miss a class
even though i did the makeup assignment for the missed class
got my shit and met up with elsa to study for government midterm
forgot my power cable so my laptop is dying in... 16 minutes
elsa can't find her supplemental reading
so we're sharing one book to study for the midterm
it's almost midnight, and all we have is the vocab defined
and a fourth of the reading read
i have a headache
i bought tampons, advil and a bottle of water from kin's market
and received about 14 odd looks cuz i was too lazy to put them in a bag
so i walked through the dorm holding advil and tampons
i'm a female, what?? an angry female. fuck off.
must go get power cable and finish studying.
fuck public transportation
i'm buying a piece of shit car in january
and getting a cheap parking permit
and plain liability insurance
i just received a low battery warning
deuce middle finger deuce