Because I'm seriously bored...
1. Do you like to talk a lot ?
I love to talk [although sometimes not with *some* people]. :P I can hardly control my mouth. :))
2. Do you love anyone now ?
Yes, I love a lot of people -- friends, family, etc. [And just a random note, one of the things that really pisses me off is when people go "EW!" when you tell a friend you love them. This is why the world is slowly getting more and more twisted: love is being limited to the "romantic" type of love when love should be... just pure love. Love is love. We should all love. :) ]
3. Do you hate being scolded in public ?
1.2.3. duh. But I hardly get scolded anyway. =))
4. Do you hate school ?
No! I *hate* assignments and projects and homework and things like that though. They should just go burn in hell :D
5. Do you hate yourself ?
I criticize myself a lot, but no, I don't hate myself. I don't see why I should, either. *sparkles*
6. Do you find yourself cute ?
Uh, no. I don't. *shudder*
7. Do you feel like having a gf/bf right now ?
Not really. XP I don't think hooking up can change your life immensely. Hahaha. I'mma be a nun yo.
8. Do you smoke or drink ?
Smoke... never. Never ever ever. Drink... it tastes good. :p =)) Not that I do drink, nor do I want to be an alcoholic... But it does taste good. :P
9. Do you like your teachers ?
Some of them are cool. :D
10. Do you take drugs ?
Vitamin C and Multivitamins and painkillers whenever needed. Paracetamol for fever, antibiotics... hehehe.
11. Do you like going to the movies ?
Yup! And I love sitting at the backmost part of the theater. <3 [Speaking of which, dear barkada, we need to go watch a movie again. I miss our movie gimmiks :p] ^_^
12. Do you have a pet ?
Nah. And they might die if they're in my hands...
13. Do you prefer calling ? or sms ?
I *hate* talking on the phone, so SMS. But IM is cooler. It's much faster and easier to send messages. :D
14. Do you eat every morning ?
Not when I sleep through the morning.
15. Do you go on line everyday?
16. Do you want to cry now ?
Sort of. S/M got eliminated, okay!? But that's such a babaw issue. I'm saving my tears.
17. What are you doing now ?
Answering this survey. :D And watching "Style Her Famous" or whatever it's called.
18. What are you thinking of now ?
Answering this survey, palanca writing, peace camp, shopping tomorrow, visiting my dead grandfather, my load might expire soon, the book I just bought, Karen-when-are-you-gonna-be-back... lots of things. :D
19. What are you listening to now ?
My tita watching the TV.
20. Last person messaged you ?
Karen Therese Romina G. Sison.
21. Last time you got lonely ?
I always feel lonely... but maybe that's just because I *kinda* like being the center of attention. =)) *ADHD*
22. Last time someone made you happy ?
Karen imitating *someone*. That was cool. ;P
23. Are you angry at someone ?
Not really. :) I'm trying to eliminate all hatred from my mind, although *insertnamehere* continues to piss me off and makes this *goal* kind of hard to achieve.
24. Guitar or Drumz ?
Guitar just sounds prettier... and for the record, drumz is not a word.
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO NUMBERS 25-27? <-- thanks karen.
27. Do you love the people who make you happy ?
:D Of course. They make me happy, they make me who I am, therefore I love them.
28. Do you believe in those people ?
I'm a skeptical person. :D Maybe not? =)) Kidding. I'm a very jokey person too?
29. What is your target for this year?
Lose weight, higher grades, more self-control, read more books... the usual things :D
30. Do you rather shop alone or with people ?
With people!
31. Who do you hate now ?
I bet the people I hate dislike read this. ;) Hi. Good luck figuring out who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [And I bet after posting this I'll be receiving IMs asking "AM I THAT PERSON YOU HATE?" God I freaking hate when people do that.]
32. Who are your best friends ?
They know who they are. :) I love you guys. :) <3 You make me feel *speshul* and *happy* and you guys are there for me when I'm down, so thanks. <3
33. Who are you missing now ?
Anica/Karen/Erica/Nina/Other people/Another person/School/My dead grandfather. :( I miss him more and more and more as the years go by.
34. How are you feeling now ?
Happy-sad, if you get what I mean.
35. What can you say about your ex?
Which one? I'M KIDDING. =))
36. Are you single or taken?
You have stolen my HEAAART. In other words, single.
37. If your single, are you enjoying it?
The pleasure to ogle boys without anyone killing you for it... yeah. =D
38. Do you think your ex really loved you?
Uh yeah... which ex again?
39. Message to your enemy?
Hi. ;) Can you *please* just. freaking. stop. whateveritisyouredoing? Cause it's annoying. :) Ok ka na sana eh, you just keep doing whateveritisyouredoing.
Yeah not really my enemy, but still.
40. The most important thing in a relationship?
As long as there's love and the love will last... <3 God I'm a hopeless romantic! ---- HERE: The most important thing are the people, else there will be no people to relate --- EH THAT ANSWER SUCKS SO: Everything matters in a relationship and lots of things can make/break it. :)
41. Say something bout alcoholism?
I can't believe you guys aren't sick of alcohol. :| It's not a funny problem. And *I believe* that you people *have* the capacity to do things. Don't take it out on yourselves. :(
42. Any advice to a friend you know who has a problem?
If you need help, don't hesitate to come to me. Really. :) I'm here to help you, since you've done so much for me. :)
43. What can you say about "HATERS"?
Love makes people happy. :) That's all I've got to say.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulchezzu goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Detective ;P.
blue__nek0 tricks you! You get a rock.
blueandgreen38 gives you 5 white strawberry-flavoured wafers.
brainexplosion gives you 16 blue cherry-flavoured wafers.
charmedothfan gives you 1 purple peach-flavoured pieces of taffy.
charmmy gives you 4 light blue cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.
harajukubeat tricks you! You get a piece of paper.
hypergrafia tricks you! You lose 7 pieces of candy!
hyperwriter2794 tricks you! You get a rock.
itscalleddance tricks you! You lose 4 pieces of candy!
jmh16 gives you 14 teal strawberry-flavoured wafers.chezzu ends up with 29 pieces of candy, a rock, a piece of paper, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by