from humble beginnings
president jesus lives here
he's peeing!
scandalous pt. 1
scandalous pt. 2
fucking totalitarianism
this is so contrived
lincoln likez it nasty
hott tits
i named him steve
totally rad d00d
my hair froze that day
steppin' out
jesus walks
lincoln says hi
dear bush, letz clone lincoln. kthxbai
it's too cold to care about composition
hotel lobby partay!11!!1
who needs disneyland when dc has steam
the constitizution wuz hurr
i wanna make signs when i grow up
no1 luvz u liek i luv u ruben
jojoz gettin nekkid!
she's such a slut
bush banned her
thro' yo' handz in da auuurr
camera was confiscated for being too rad
i miss that sweater
this place was neat
inagearation inageration. bush swore here.
it was the best of times...
what would jesus do?
pandemonium 2k5!!1
i forget where this is
snowball fight in front of holocaust!
ugliest snowman ever born across the street from the holocaust!
fuck washington
finally, this is why i didnt send postcards
d.c. i miss you.