I've powered through the Water 7 arc as best I could. My translations only go up to 367, so I just have to hope I'm not too far behind the rest of the fandom. I don't feel like translation scrounging today.
Notes from this arc: (Cut for spoilers)
-Usopp is a raging dork
-Robin is better than ever (Utterly sweet, in her cool Robin way)
-Sanji's best nickname to date: "Fancy-eyebrow man"
-Zoro does shockingly little
-Chopper is sofulloflove for all his nakama
-Nami is sofulloflove for Robin
-Luffy finds things heavy but keeps going strong
On a separate note, I can't see Franky not joining the crew. We have his dream, dead mentor, and childhood established. Plus he's a cyborg in a speedo. The only thing the Strawhats seem to be lacking is an exhibitionist with prosthetics.