Sometimes the absolute absurdity of life at Smith College strikes me as hilarious and other times the aberrant nature of the "Smith bubble" makes me want to ingest poison or generally relocate all of my fellow students so that they can gain some perspective and get over themselves. Convocation always gives rise to a mixed response. My HR sent this email out to the house today. "I wanted to remind everyone about the dress code during Convocation. We need to wear at least both pieces of underwear." I'm so glad that I go to a school where convocation, generally a somber academic affair, takes on the tone of a girls gone wild video. Good times at Smith College.
In other news, spent allll week at the Kahn Institute (8:30am to ~8:00pm M-R) bonding with the other "Kahn Fellows" and refining my research topic. Then I met with Jay (adviser) this morning and we worked out a schedule for my thesis and talked about the half dozen seminars I should take this year. Needless to say I'm scared shitless of all of the work I'm trying to do this year, but I'm also really excited, so fingers crossed that I don't have a nervous breakdown, at least until after my thesis and Kahn research are finished.
Edit The Smith President included this in her email: "I love the spirit of Smith’s convocation, and its expression of empowerment, but I ask you to respect members of the community in your dress and behavior and to respect the speakers by giving them your attention.
Carol T. Christ"
And from the Dean:
"As we prepare for the official opening of the new academic year at Smith, we ask that you prepare as well. Opening Convocation is a justifiably spirited event, and because we do not want to jeopardize anyone’s enjoyment or their safety, we ask participants:
● to understand that this celebration is also a formal, all-college, academic event. Please treat this occasion, yourself, the faculty and the speakers with respect.
● to respect old John M. Greene Hall. Standing on the seats, railings and banisters may cause significant damage to the building and, even worse, puts you at serious risk for injury
Seats may not be reserved in advance, and food and beverages are not permitted in JMG. Please refrain from throwing objects and standing on things not intended to be stood on. Remember that each of you is responsible for complying with the Code of Student Conduct and Massachusetts State Law.
Continue to look out for each other and our traditions in a way that makes us proud to be part of this community. The success and reputation of the college in fulfilling its mission depends on the good judgment of each community member.
Maureen A. Mahoney
Dean of the College"
Survey Says: Smith Convocation is ridiculous!