I’m just crying.
Seeing this just made my eyes watery. I can’t explain, normally I get in mood for a journal with a little music for you know let my feelings run across the keyword. But this time I was completely silent at first.
I will explain in plain language some key points:
Let’s suppose you were raised in a foster home of Mr. Smith, this old man even put his surname to all his adopted childs. After his death, you were devastated, even though he was old and it was logical he would die in a certain time, you feel gratitude towards him.
You and your “step” brothers keep going just with the memory of Mr. Smith and try to raise new kids on Mr. Smith home, like he did with you.
A news from a foreign country calls him “El señor Smith el mayor toca niños de todo Reino Unido, el colapso del bonachón donde se ocultaba el monstruo”, first needs a translator to know what is the accusation of Mr. Smith. Then another kid near your age said, “yeah the program is true the guy touched me for a couple of pounds during the four years I was in this house”. All of these feels nonsense to you, Mr Smith? Are you serious?. Then the news and everything around you collapses. Without a single proof an uncertain number of mens said they passed for the same too, so Mr. Smith was a rapist. The media just judge you, “if you were in those house you must know”, “if you didn’t rape any of your junior brother maybe was because you were raped too”. So it’s decided, all the kids who were raised in this home must change his surname from Smith to Smile, and the youngest who didn’t know Smith when he was alive too. All the government support for foster homes must be retired, even though Smith is not alive and not in front of the direction of the home.
🈲Sounds similar to you? Do any rape case to do with these measures?
Let’s say you sign a contract with a great salary, great conditions, just a dream come true: with Lehman Brothers. It has name, history, is a white company has perfect conditions, nobody died for overworking or even suicide, is not perfect but is one of the best.
From night to day, you find the company doesn't exist any more, your bosses are fired and Asian looking guys just like that are seated on the chair. Now you are actually fired because the LB bank doesn't exist anymore, so what you do. Sign with the new guys, try to establish your own office of accountant, or look for another company. You know, married, two kids is really a need to decide now those pigeons are hungry. Also you are at an age that nobody will accept a whole family package, you don’t look that tempting like a fresh graduate talented accountant.
🈲Sounds similar to you? Do you actually believe that Idols, set designers, lyricists, sound operators, costume designers, electricians and everyone involved in every production of Johnny deserves it?
About Idols:
Forget for Arashi reunion, for the day they changed Johnny's name, the contract died so they have to sign again. So the closest to the Arashi reunion is this kind of photo.
The incredible remarks like Kinki Kids most number 1, would be forgotten because they released all their work under “Johnny’s entertainment” label.
The days of “entering” would be from zero.
The name of several groups would change as the same of many songs related to johnny.
You can't name how you enter in the industry: Kyomoto, Matsumoto for example. Now is the time to tell lies, to invent t pretend things that idols and fans know that never happened.
Every Idol has to delete from his memory the name of Johnny. Forever.
Now, they don’t have past,
And I don’t know if they have future...
Are you happy?