Mar 24, 2008 21:39

Alrighty! The chibis have gone and hidden a lot of eggs for an egg hunt. Unfortunately, they did it a week ago and forgot about them. Now they're starting to stink, really bad.

(The eggs, not the chibis.)

The eggs are hidden around in the archives and around ChibBeatle comics. Look high, look low, look "behind" things! Some of them will be really easy, others will be quite tricky. You do have to be a member of this community to find all the eggs because some are hidden in members-only posts.

Here is an example of what the egg will look like:

There are 36 eggs in total!

When you find one, do these things:

1. Reply to the post/entry where the egg was found. Being first counts for a lot, but finding a lot of eggs also counts for something so post as soon as you can no matter if somebody else has already found it.

2. Copy the link of the entry where you found the egg, keep track of it in a text file of some sort. If you find all 36 eggs, post a reply to THIS POST with the collection of links! I will then check and note the order you fall in the comment order. Prizes will be awarded to the top four people who find all the eggs soonest! All comments will be screened so that nobody can cheat off someone who's found all 36 eggs.

3. Be selfish. Don't share links with anyone else. I will check for suspicious results in the winners. I don't want people finding all the eggs, then sharing the links with their friends so they can nab the other three prizes. Let this be fun!

The Prizes!

GRAND PRIZE- A set of four mini buttons from cafe-press! The winner will get to request the images (it's a small canvas, so keep it simple, and must be within cafepress's restrictions). If you are the grand-prize winner I will have you e-mail me your mailing address. Buttons will be shipped via the "economy" shipping option from cafe-press. If you live outside the US: I can either award an alternate prize of a small digital artwork, or you can pay the additional shipping (to Canada the shipping is $4.50, elsewhere internationally shipping is $5.50), or you can provide me the address of someone in the US who can send the prize to you. Sorry for the inconvenience there!

1st runner up- A set of four new ChibBeatle icons!

2nd runner up- 3 icons!

3rd runner up- 2 icons!

I've also decided to award participation certificates to everyone who hunted eggs! It'll be a little image you can put on your profile :)


Also! If a substantial amount of time goes by and not enough people have found all 36 eggs to award 4 prizes I will announce it and start awarding based on next-most eggs. Hopefully at least four of you will find them all, though! My girlfriend, majorcate, is not eligible for this context because she has an unfair advantage (she has mod access).

Egg-Hunt Merchandise in Cafepress Store!

Your purchases will help me hold more contests like this in the future! I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never make enough proffits to earn a check from cafepress, so I'm giving it back to the fans!
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