MASTER Translation Post!

Mar 03, 2037 08:00

This is the MASTER post of all my Translations to date in all my fandoms! I'll add more to here as I translate more!

Please join the respective LJ Communities to read them! They are members locked!

Credit if using! Corrections are welcomed!

Kanjani8 Lyrics
It's My Soul

Musekinin Hero

Tokimeki Memorial 2nd Kiss
GS2 Drama and Image Song Album 1
Chapter 2 Hikami Itaru - Change the World - under the sunset over the hill

Chapter 3 Akagi Kazuyuki - Shelter from the rain

GS2 Drama and Image Song Album 3
Chapter 9 Wakaouji Takafumi -Last Gift - Ma raison d'etre

Akagi Kazuyuki ED

Amachi Shouta ED 1-5

Hariya Kounoshin ED 1-5

Hikami Itaru ED 1-5

Komori Taku ED

Majima Tarou ED

Masaki Motoharu ED 1-5

Saeki Teru ED 1-5

Shiba Katsumi ED 1-5

Wakaouji Takafumi ED 1-5

Tokimeki Memorial 3rd Story
- ADV Events
- CGs
- Endings

Sakurai Ruka ED 1-6

Sakurai Kouichi ED 1-6

Konno Tamao ED 1-6

Shitara Seiji ED 1-6

Fujiyama Arashi ED 1-6

Niina Jyunpei ED 1-6

Kasuka Taiyo ED

Aizawa Shuugo ED

Taira Kenta ED

Oosako Chikara ED


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