Holy shit, I didn't realize my last entry was in effin October...!
Well, I guess it's mostly because nothing ever exciting really happens to me. Or at least I totally forget by the time I get on my bus and train for the ride home. I like to take a "deep cleansing nap" on the train.
Hrm, I didn't think it was long when I typed it, but I guess it kinda is )
Comments 12
also L4D2 for the computer I'm assuming, so leave me your steam name.
And there is a Thanksgiving outside of the USA, there's one in Canada but theirs is in October.
Yup! 'cept I'm not really active, so no promises (because I suuuuuck D:) but: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003766435
Aaah! So there is! That's interesting to know.
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aaaaah yeah, I'm not too sure about beating yours (you perfectionist), but I've just edited my entry with my stats.
Kinda (got it at Dell and they pushed back the ship date), but actually, I just got it yesterday! Too bad I don't think I'll be able to put things together until later in the week.
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Company of Heroes? I've never hear of it *goes to google*-- oh God, it's an RTS. D: Thank you very much, but noooo, RTSs and I are like oil and water DDD:
Also, witches aren't that bad. It's the jockeys you gotta watch out for. Creepy little bastards, they are. D:
Ahahaha, you actually made it all the way to the bus stop before you realised you were wearing the wrong pants? XD Oh man, that totally sounds like something out of a bad dream. Only in a bad dream, you only realise there's a problem when EVERYBODY else also realises there's a problem, so at least it wasn't that bad. :3 d
Stomach flus are always zero amounts of fun. Hope you at least get some time off work out of that deal. :B
Oh 'eck, that's sucky when a small lapse in concentration has such flow on effects. :B But it sounds like you guys got it under control in terms of fixing the problem so hopefully it's crisis averted. \:3/
I walked about 25 feet until I figured it out DDD: But yeah, it does sound like a nightmare. Like those ones where you're taking a test and you haven't studied, or you're late for something hugely important. I don't understand, why do I still get those??
Actually yes, I did take today off to recoup and get better! Slept a lot. But unfortunately, took too much herbal medicine, and now I'm constipated. CONSTIPATED! LIKE SRSLY, from having the runs to absolute stopppppp aaaaaaahhh DAMMIT
DDD: yeah, just a small detail that I didn't take into account, and shittttt. I actually worked a straight 7 hours without lunch yesterday just doing validation and correction for the problem. aaaahhhhh
Oh, speaking of nightmares about tests you haven't studied for, I totally still get those too. And they always play out exactly like in that XKCD comic. Without fail. Scarred for life tbh. D: D: D:
And take it easy, it doesn't sound particularly great to go from one extreme to the other. :'3 And I wouldn't think working 7 hours straight without a break helps either. :B
lawl, I remember that comic! I really wonder if they'll ever end. Or I wonder if Professors get that same dream too. Maybe they get a mix-- like they're late for the finals that they're giving, and they don't have their exam ready...?
Thankfully I got it done by Wednesday! I hope to God nothing was missed. D: I'd hate for it to bite me in the butt a few weeks down the line...
well this post is regarding your comm arashi only files...
im new to lj and am finding my way around,could you pls help me regarding how to make a request in the community please :)i'm totlly lost...
Thanks a lot in advance...
You can post to the community like posting in your journal-- just switch the "Post To" to the comm instead of your lj.
Hope this helps! Happy new year to you too!
Thanks a lot :D
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