the tangy zingy of the sauce

Feb 10, 2005 11:49

So today is National Jessica Day according to Heather, lol. I am talking to her right now, wow, she is one of my best friends, she is sucn a sweet person, I have never ever had a bad feeling about her, she brightened my day ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

regina_croft February 10 2005, 21:11:59 UTC
Ahahahah, you are learning well lol.

Fun fun fun.....just don't do it in front of a window. 0.o


chibi_jess February 11 2005, 04:59:17 UTC
hehehe....well no one can see me through my bedroom window....and the back door....yay for having a private backyard.


(The comment has been removed)

chibi_jess February 11 2005, 04:49:41 UTC
No you are.

It was so awsome to see you today! Talk about fate!


claireseph February 11 2005, 03:54:41 UTC
im glad you took that nmental health day i hope you are doing better!


chibi_jess February 11 2005, 04:59:33 UTC
yeah, thank you for caring about me babe.


claireseph February 11 2005, 05:10:17 UTC
anytime i love you!


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