Title: Pleasure Caste: Just As I Thought It Was Going Alright (02/??)
Verse: WFC AU
Rating: PG
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Trailbreaker, Streetstar.
Warnings: Talk of vague future!plot, enforcers not really doing their job.
Summary: When Jazz was being picked up from the station, he was not expecting to find out that some of the enforcer caste was
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Comments 22
Glad you're enjoying the ride!
Pleased to see more in this 'verse. Your creative/imagination shines i this world you have created and seeing a more in depth look is wonderful.
I think when something catches Jazz's attention, those involved will be swept away - for good or bad, so it is probably best to catch Jazz's attention in a good way. Poor Prowl won't have a chance (so to speak).
Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to more as you are able.
Yes, Prowl is certainly going to be swept away by the whirlwind called Jazz, and he won't even realize it at first. By the time he does, it will be far too late for him to try and extract himself from Jazz's clutches...not that he'll want to, mind you. ;D
I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far!
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