So sad it's over!
The only bands I can really remember seeing were Dir en grey (of course), and the second stage bands: Bullets and Octane, Bury Your Dead (thanks to them singing "bury your dead"), and 10 years, the only bands I actually LIKED were Dir en grey and maybe 10 years, I mean the other bands were cool, but not something I'd really spend my time listening to, and if 10 Years hadn't been RIGHT before Dir en grey I would have ran out and gotten a cd or something... but Dir en grey's roadies were pretty hot!
But anyway~ we got there at exactly 2 because we got lost a few times, but as soon as we got there I heard a chick say "Do you wanna meet Dir en grey?" as she walked by and I snapped my neck to the side to find the stand where you buy the CDs and DVDs to meet them. I got The Code of Vulgar[ism] DVD... and nobody told us but there was a pre-signed DVD which Mon-chan got, only we realized that after we walked away like idiots. Still, I got a wristband! I kept it too, of course! They were giving out these postcard-like cards and it said one thing that amused me: "Dir en grey has accomplished more in the two months they've been in America than most bands do in a lifetime, and they have only just begun." Damn straight! ... It just took them years and years to get here...
We couldn't find paint ball! It was there, but we couldn't find it! There was this giant fountain thing though, which was a huge help seeing as everything was outdoors in the sun. In the middle of the second stage bands we were getting soaked under it a few times because it was so hot it wasn't even funny. I would have gotten such a bad sunburn, but I kept the shirt I bought over my shoulders most of the day, unfortunately the back of my neck and my face didn't make out so well.
I felt so bad for the first band, I mean I know how it's normally like this for the opening band, but they were trying SO hard to get the crowd excited and NOTHING... There was this one point the singer tried to get the chicks to take their shirts off and he was basically going "Oh come on, take your shirts off, I wont mind" and I see some random girl swinging her shirt in the air in the mosh pits and the guy said something like "Finally... too bad she's wearing three shirts."
Then during another band, I have no idea which one it was, the singer was trying to get us all to scream "fuck", thankfully my dad had walked away to smoke! We all went: "... Umm, fuck...? Fuck.... Fuck!"
I think it was Bury Your Dead that was playing, but at one point I glance backstage and I swear I saw kyo take his shirt off and leave it on an amp back there!! I just sat there in shock for a minute, staring with my mouth open until he walked out of my line of sight, then I turned to Mon-chan and yelled "IJUSTSAWKYOTAKEHISSHIRTOFF!!" She screamed at me for not telling her when it happened, then took a picture of his shirt on the amp. After a while some jerk grabbed the shirt and walked away with it, it was disappointing!
(Btw, I've found confirmation it was, in fact, Kyo. Another person saying she watched Kyo in the same shirt I saw listening backstage, then seeing another picture of him in it with the date in the corner. Glad to know I'm not crazy!)
Finally it was time for Dir en grey!
The started off with GDS, which made me so happy, since I kept hearing that they hadn't been playing it at the past shows. When I heard it I turned to Mon-chan to yell again "That's GDS!! ... Oh god, is that GDS...? It is!" It was then the amazing feeling of "I'm going to see my idols right in front of my own eyes for the very first time!" rushed over me, and the knowledge that they were not magical fairies from my own imagination came to me.
SETLIST not in order:
Agitated Screams of Maggots
audience Killer Loop
dead tree
Merciless Cult
Spilled Milk
The Fatal Believer
I kept my eyes on Kyo most the the time (shocking, isn't it?) and thanks to two tall asshats sitting in front of me and some fan in the front of our section standing up, I wasn't able to see Shinya or Die almost the entire time.
Kyo was wearing lovely, red underwear! I could stop it a mile away above his jeans! He put his thumb under his waistband a few times as if he was about to take them off and the crowd went crazy. He also kept rubbing his tummy like a pregnant woman, found that kind of odd... He does have a very nice 6 pack though, much better looking in person! At one point he spit onto his chest andstarted rubbing it in all over. It sounds gross, but it was far from it!
In between a few songs Kaoru came up to the front and tried to get the crowd to scream (which we did) while Kyo crouched down in front of Shinya's drums for some bucket time.
At one point after one of their songs they brought a stretcher in and they stopped playing long enough to watch them take it into the crowd. I'm not sure what happened to the person who had to get carried away, but as they were bringing the stretcher back with the guy on it, the band all turned away.
The end of their live came a lot quicker than I wanted to, but as soon as they stepped off stage me, Mon-chan, Billy, and Megan actually ran to the meet and greet, getting us very close to the front of the line, which is saying something because the line stretched much further than I could see.
While we were in line there was this guy we were talking to for a while, he was pretty cool. He had a plushie his friend made that they were gonna have the roadies give to Kyo (since he never seemed to show up for meet and greets) and apperantly his friends saw Kyo coming out of (or was it going into?) a van.
I went so say hi to
nina_sama just like I said I would while we waited. But I wasn't really able to stay and talk because I was too worried about losing my place in line a little ways up and I couldn't find her again after!
We were right across the fence from where they would be coming though, so we were the first people to see them, and probably the first to scream. Someone in our group (don't remember who) faked every one, screaming when no one was really coming, causing others to scream, very entertaining. xD
Anyhow, it was Shinya and Die!
Mon-chan gave Die a tie, but she walked away before she could see his reaction (which is why I'm glad I told her to go before me), he grinned and hugged it to his chest, I was so damn adorable! Die's got the cutest smile I think I've ever seen and it's so much better in person.
Shinya was right after Die. I gave him some pretty belt Mon-chan gave me... to give him... wow. I was so flustered! I said "Hi, this is for you! *looks at his face* *looks at table* *face table face table*" and he smiled and said "Oh sankyuu!" and I muttered "You're welcome" before running off and squeeing like a stupid girl. And HOLY CRAP Shinya needs to shave! I will say no more.
But they were AMAZING in person!
I basically passed out when I got home and started writing as soon as I got up, I'll make an edit if i can think of anything I forgot. But I'll be leaving in a minute so bye bye!