Just finished reading Dead in the FamilyThe book was too short. I was kind of disappointed by it, to be honest. I was also excited that there was a character named Annabelle (spelled the right way!) in it. Then I read on and was disappointed by her character. Boo! There was also not enough Eric
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Poll Vampires!!For those who haven't seen True Blood, it's seriously worth checking out. It's like an R-Rated twilight. Maybe NC-17. Hm, let's just say, the HBO version of twilight. There :D
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Poll TwitterSo you guys can see twitter updates on LJ. I dunno if you enjoy them or hate them, but lately I've been debating on removing them from LJ to prevent clutter and just syncing it with facebook like a lot of other twitter peeps do. So what easier way to do it than a poll? Yay polls
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I am truly saddened that Californians voted to take a small step into the future by agreeing to build high speed trains in our state but then decided to take a giant step backwards into the past by agreeing to eliminate rights for people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve such treatment
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I am SO effing nervous about tomorrow. I don't know if I have the words to contain my excitement, nervousness, apprehension, and all the rest of these jumbled feelings that I have
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