Title: They meet
Fandom: Bleach (Ichigo x Rukia)
Bonus: Nope
Team: Fire
Challenge: challenge 16 pink/red @
fandomwords100 Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary/Other Info That night, under a full moon he's changed.
The ability of Rukia’s sword was ice, but there was a fire that burned beneath her cool exterior. She was more than the pampered noble her brother longed her to be, in an effort to protect her.
Their lives had joined that fateful night when she’d snuck into his room, just another death reaper protecting the living from the monsters they didn’t even know where there.
That night, under a full moon he was irrevocably changed.
Their bond had only grown stronger since then, with every drop of mutually spilt blood that shone red on the blades of their enemies.