While I'm still in the middle of constructing a final draft of my first list, my second go-round with the project officially started on February first. So, without further ado, I present to you
101 in 1001, v2.0
The list, categorized for organizational purposes
in progress
Deadline: October 29, 2014
Healthy Hottie
1. Hike
Waimanu2. Hike
Pu'u O'o3. Take a hula/Tahitian class. Do well.
4. Take a fitness class. Do well.
5. Renew CPR/first aid certification.
6. Complete
couch to 5k. - Currently training like a madwoman.
7. Run a 5k. -
Registered for the Run For Hops at the 2013 Kona Brewers' Festival!8. Take a yoga class. Do well.
9. Take vitamins every day for an entire month.
10. Buy a pin-up dress. Rock the hell out of it.
11. Go to the gym consistently for 3 months. Rock the hell out of it.
12. Whiten teeth.
13. Eat vegan for two weeks.
14. Get a massage.
15. Eliminate all jiggle from my legs.
16. Purchase a really incredible pair of high heels. Rock the hell out of them.
Completed 10/19/201217. Bring homemade lunch to work/school for a month.
18. Eat breakfast every day for a month.
19. Make and perfect 20 more healthy recipes.
Donate hair to Pantene Beautiful lengths. Completed 12/25/201221.
Get swanky haircut for newly short hair. Completed 12/25/201222. Buy a Brazilian bikini.Wear it in public. ;-) purchased THREE Brazilian bottoms on 11/23/2012.
23. Use 10 products until the containers are empty.
24. Make a healthy, delicious three course meal for someone I care about.
25. Have breakfast in bed.
26. Get straight As for a semester.
27. Get straight As for another semester.
28. Read at least 10 books for funsies.
29. Maintain my Goodreads account.
30. Graduate!
31. Get an 'industry job".
32. Take a music lesson.
33. Take up flute again.
34. Feel connected to music again.
35. Take another fine art class. Do well!
36. Track spending for a month. Record all receipts and categorize spending.
37. Utilize spending reports to generate a realistic monthly budget. Stick to it for at least 3 months.
38. Be an informed voter.
Completed 11/6/201239. Conquer something.
Out and About
40. Visit 2 neighbor islands that are not O'ahu.
Visited Maui 11/10-11/13/12.41. Get passport.
42. Use passport.
43. Scuba dive. Completed 11/12/2012.
44. Get scuba certified.
45. Go on a picnic. Completed March 28, 2012. Beach picnic with Amy!
46. Convince someone to start (and take an active role in completing) their own 101 in 1001 list. Completed February 2, 2012. Amy made
her own list, and is completing tasks with me.
47. Confront fear of heights.
48. Throw five successful theme parties.
49. Go to Disneyland.
Completed 5/16/201250. Attend a symphony.
51. Take myself on a date.
52. Take someone else on a date. Completed April 27, 2012.
53. Leave 20 inspirational notes in public places.
54. Go parasailing.
55. Go to a music event.
56. Go dancing.
Go geocaching.Completed June 14, 2012.58. Go puddle jumping.
59. Jump off a waterfall.
60. Go cliff diving Completed: April 27, 2012 at South Point
61. Take a surfing lesson.
62. Go paddleboarding.
63. Watch the sunrise and the sunset in the same day.
64. Attend a screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Makalawena, or somewhere similarly breathtaking. Completed: March 28 - April 1, 2012. Camped at Makalawena, fell in love all over again.
66. See the aurora borealis.
67. Make out somewhere awesome.
68. Have an absolutely perfect day.
69. Go beer tasting.
Completed March 11, 2012. Kona Brewfest, baby!70. Eat at a 4+ star restaurant.
71. Visit California. Reconnect with a high school friend. Completed 05/11/2012, when I reconnected with the lovely miss Katie Cole.
Artsy Fartsy
72. Do a photo project.
73. Do another photo project.
74. Do 5 adimls. Post them.
75. Post an average of three good photos every month. (99 total)
76. Upgrade camera!
77. Become someone's apprentice.
78. Post in Ye Olde LiveJournal every day for a month.
79. Post a photo in Ye Olde LiveJournal every day for a month.
80. Take really incredible night photos.
81. Post 5 videos to YouTube.
82. Start a photoblog/collab blog with someone else.
83. Take really freaking incredible underwater photos.
84. Be satisfied with photos.
85. Make money taking photos.
86. Fill a photo album.
87. Decorate room.
88. Take good pictures of close friends. Frame them and hang them somewhere.
Becoming Better
89. Bounce back after something bad happens.
90. Save $1000 for emergencies.
91. Organize recipes.
92. Conquer something.
93. Learn to say no.
94. Unplug for a weekend.
95. Send flowers to someone, anonymously.
96. Organize closet twice a year. Donate what I don't need, and organize what I do.
97. Spend a day in silence.
98. Start over.
99. Express thanks as often as possible.
100. Donate $5 for each incomplete task.
101. Feel like an adult.
Like before, I reserve the right to modify/replace tasks to make them more attainable in the even that my life takes a major change in direction, or just to make them more challenging for myself.
I should have my final list up by the end of this weekend. I'm really excited to undertake a new list!