Title: (Sleeping) Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Author: Me
Genre: Romance/Humour
Characters/Pairings: LightningxHope (or vise versa, but really.)
Rating/Warnings: K
Summary: “I can’t tell if it’s cradle robbing or cougar town.”
Notes: I needed to write something for Final Fantasy XIII like burning mad. I love Lightning, I ADORE Hope, so
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Comments 14
Nice fic! It was pretty funny and cute. Loved the opening convo, too.
I absolutely loved this. Really, it's just so cute, and cuddly; even Hope's near-death experience was amusing. I bet if that had been Snow attempting to squeeze in; she's have kept going and finished that swing. x3 The conversation of the troupe in regards to the pair was hilarious, and so natural. Seems even with world-shaking events, people still can gossip. Oh, an idle bit of trivia, Lightning is actually a Puma instead of a Cougar. Cougars are more specifically identified as women between 30 to 40, who are interested in younger men. While, a Puma is a young woman, in the range of her (late) twenties who seeks young men who are just reaching twenty, or younger/slightly older. x3 And, personally, I like pumas over cougars. This means Hope is the 'cub' ... or boy toy. [coughs] Ok, I'm going to stop now. For some reason, I can't help but feel Hope won't mind at all being referred to as 'cub' or 'boy toy'. Ah, Lightning trained him so well. xP ( ... )
God, with the way things go, poor gonna Grow up and forever be her boy toy. xD
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope to write more HopexLightning in the future, as well as the one I'm working on now. =u=
So kyoot!
"CHANCE! Take it take it take it take it take it -"
Oh, those hormones. Always givng the best advice XD
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