Finally got around to typing this up (procrastinating on studying for a math test I'm going to fail - yes, it's like I've given up on grade 12 completely, I know).
So I finished Brave New World by Alduous Huxley quite a few days ago, in fact, a couple weeks ago I believe. As I mentioned in my first 1984 review I enjoyed this book quite a bit and was all prepared to give it a rave review.... until I completed the book. Not to say that I was disappointed by it in any way. For the most part, in the beginning, the book was enjoyable. It held an interesting idea and was humorous in various ways (and this humour continued throughout the novel thankfully). Yet, I felt that the book seemed to.... drag on for a bit. The end especially. The entire explanation of the workings of the Brave New World by Mustapha Mond I felt wasn't exactly needed. Many of the things could have been guessed, or if anything, the conversation could have been much shorter? Then again, I'm a person that never enjoyed having the entire point of the book explained to them.... within the book.
If we hadn't been studying this book in class I would have finished it a lot faster and just left it at that, a good, quick, easy, read. Nothing "spectacular" or "mind-blowing" but definitely worth thinking about as a possiblity for the future (moreso than 1984), especially when we look at our world today. This was something we discussed extensively in class to a point I'm almost bored of the topic (and am now even beginning to see that no, our world is not entirely like the Brave New World at all, but - anyways - besides the point) but... you know... who wouldn't want to play a game of Centrifugal Bumblepuppy and be able to fly helicopters?
next up I'll be reviewing Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. And by Christmas I'll also have reaad Huckleberry Finn so I'll probably write something on that too (since hey, it's a classic - as all of these books are). I'm not sure if I'm going to begin another book in the AP English&Compisition class but we probably will. Probably something more modern (Slaughterhouse 5 anyone?) but we'll see.