People constantly surprise me, and I usually give them more credit than I ought to. This post was more about my wishy washy way of summing up my feelings on LJ in the past and now I don't feel that urge anymore. In fact for the most part I can barely bring myself to make a post at all.
But going back to Ro and the reunion in May.... if she shows up, which I heard she may actually come this time, it will be interesting. Honestly I want to go and don't at the same time. The drama feels hardly worth it, but I will see how i feel.
These days I think I've adopted your way of thinking about people I meet...
I have some of the same trepidations about the reunion. Although for different people. But I figure there should be enough folks around to sort of nullify that and if not it's one weekend and I'll have learned my lesson for next year.
Comments 3
One such rule is
I'm awesome and anyone who doesn't agree is a waste of time.
There is a corollary to that rule.
Anyone who I don't think is awesome is a waste of my time.
My time is valuable. I don't spend it on people upon whom it would be a waste.
Of course I also have a fantastic sense of who I'll get along with so /shrug.
But going back to Ro and the reunion in May.... if she shows up, which I heard she may actually come this time, it will be interesting. Honestly I want to go and don't at the same time. The drama feels hardly worth it, but I will see how i feel.
These days I think I've adopted your way of thinking about people I meet...
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