I'm getting ready to move and I need to get rid of a ton of things and I've had severalcostumes just collecting dust and I figured I might as well try and sell them. And when I say sell, I mean all accessories too. And I'm going fairly cheap.
I have a Vampire Princess Miyu Costume, which you can see here.
http://img15.photobucket.com/albums/v45/orlanahelmes/9f18915c.jpg And This does include Shiiya, both outter and inner kimonos, the obi, and the hair. I should havethe red ribbon that goes on her foot too. I'd like $25 for the whole thing.
Next is Sailor Uranus. The only things that won't be included are the tiara, which was a temporary item, and the gloves, though I will throw in a pair of plain white ones, but not the ones in the pic. The only reason is because the gloves were hand made and fell apart. I do have the sword which is not shown.
http://img15.photobucket.com/albums/v45/orlanahelmes/julia_as_sailor_uranus.jpg I'd like $25 for this one as well.
I have a Yoji costume too.
http://img15.photobucket.com/albums/v45/orlanahelmes/yoji.jpgThis will only include the jacket and if I can find it, the wire too. Only $12!
And lastly, one I don't have a picture for because the roll isn't developed. It was my costume from the last LOTR movie premiere. It was an elf outfit. It's lavendar and black. It's very very nice. From my other pics you can see my craftsman ship is really good so this outfit is no exception. This will come with matching shoes which are lavendar. I'd only like $15 for it.
Also, all costumes are between large and extra large. But most of them you can reshape them to fit smaller sizes, like the Yoji and the Miyu. Also the LOTR one has tied sides so you should be able to make that smaller too. Please email me if you are interested. chibishinigami@hotmail.com