Ahhh... the summer life. What bliss. ^____^
I got a date for prom and school-- apparently-- hasn't even been out for a month (when I had asked)! (See previous entry.) I can't believe he said he'd go with me! Yaaay! My dream came true! (When I was younger (pre-k - 1st grade) I always dreamed that I would go to my Senior Prom with my first love!!) *____* I was definitely shocked and dazed; my jaw dropped and everything. I definitely thought he was going to say no! (I had nightmares / dreams of when I asked him. He always replied, "Sorry. I don't think so / I can." TT____TT) SO I had a list of possible dates should he reject me. (I hate being rejected... but doesn't everyone?) I haaaaaad Mom, Erick, Jon, Sean, Jesse, Sean, and Matt in mind. ... But screw that. YAY FRICKIN' YAY! I GET TO GO WITH CHRIS!
I started working last Monday. ^_____^ The people I work with are so much fun!! I like going to work because I get to hang out with such fun people, but I hate working. I wish I could work at the candy store again. xD;;
Intramural soccer's decent. Lately (since I started talking to Chris) I've been getting hurt. He's a bad uhh... distraction! @___X; Being confused sucks. Well, what else? There's stuff below and then more in my friends only deadjournal (friggin' Emily you should write in your deadjournal!).
Greenie and I talked and yeeeeeep!! I told him about what I wanted and we decided that three New England, one / two Mid-Atlantic, one Southern, and one foreign would be the best thing for me to do! (I live in New England. In-region schools are cheap, but in-state schools are even cheaper. Xiaoli'll be lonely in New Jersey by herself with her mean husband so I'm going to save her! (New England schools are expensive if you're not an in-region student.) Besides, Chris is there, too. ^^;; *cough* And my foreign school of choice is because of a promise.)
I am going to be applying to the following schools as of August! ^^; There's a possibility that they could change again, but whatever. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to stick with these schools.
Suuu... my choices are as follows!
New England
1. University of Bridgeport (Bridgeport, CT)
2. University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
3. Bridgewater State College (Bridgewater, MA)
1. Kean University (Union, NJ)
2. Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Pomona, NJ)
1. Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA)
1. McGill University (Montréal, QC, CA)
Ahhh... well, hopefully college'll turn out well. I really, really, really want to go to UBridgeport. It's a pretty good compromise (sort of). I'll be 2h away from home in North Grosvenordale; 2h 45m away from Lowell, MA where Emily, Jesse, Sean, and etc. are; I'll be 1h 40m away from Xiaoli and 2h 45m away from where Chris lives; 15h and 40m away from Amanda in Georgia; 6h and 15m away from Martin in Montréal and 11h and 15m away from him in Rimouski. I think that's pretty decent. Southern Connecticut connects to everywhere! *shot* Ehh... maybe UConn'd be better, but whatever. I hate UConn. I definitely hope I get accepted into UBridgeport.
Oh, I'll be going on my first date! ... in November. Or maybe it's not outing with Chris. He confused the frickin' hell out of me last night. He's lucky he's cute-- *shot* Anyway, it'll be my first time in Trenton since Carlos and his family took me to visit his "abuela". (I think that's what I called her. She only spoke Spanish so it was hard talking to her.) I hope the dreams I've been having don't come true. @_____@;; I always seem to dream of him now. He really won't tell me whether or not he likes me. ^^' I mean, it's okay if he doesn't like me, but saying that to me on the day I see him will make my day horrible. I don't want to get my heart broken my first day in New Jersey. (I really am a pessimist when it comes to boys and more-than-friend relationships. It's weird since I have such a high self-esteem and ego (Yus, yus. We all know I have an ego.)... Grrrr. @____X;)
Ehhh... I still don't know why people think they're second best to Chris. = =;
Yep. That's my outwardly update. Now onto the movie with Erick's family.